Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary and QnA-Bertrand Russell

Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary Ideas that have helped mankind is an essay written by Bertrand Russel. In this essay, he talks about the growth of human civilization. He says that We are civilized today but thousands of years ago we were uncivilized. We were living in jungles and caves like animals. But today … Read more

I have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr. summary with QnA

I have a Dream – Summary ‘I have a Dream‘ is actually an extract from the inspiring speech delivered by the great human rights activist and Nobel prize winner, Martin Luther King Jr. a Negro leader in 1963. Here he calls upon the Negroes of America to take a pledge to fight for their rights … Read more

A Pinch of Snuff – Manohar Malgaonkar summary QnA

Summary – A Pinch of Snuff A Pinch of Snuff has been written by Manohar Malgaonkar and an outstanding indo-Anglian writer. The writer has narrated the anties and activities of Nanukaka, his maternal uncle. And tells us how Nanukaka reaches the echelons of power with his lies and deceits.  Nanukaka arrives at the house of … Read more

Indian Civilization and Culture Summary in English by M.K. Gandhi

Summary of Indian Civilization and Culture Indian civilization and culture is an extract from Gandhiji’s autobiography. It is all about the praises of our civilization. Gandhiji’s emphasizes on the point that no other Civilization can compete with the Indian civilization. As it gives value to the performance of duty and observance of morality. It depends … Read more

Good Manners by J.C. Hill Most Important Objectives & Summary


  Summary of “Good Manners”   ‘Good Manners‘ is written by J.C. Hill. Here, the writer has highlighted the importance of and the need for good manners in society and human life. He thinks that good manners are helpful in running our social life smoothly. We should cultivate feelings of compassion for others and know our … Read more