Good Manners by J.C. Hill Most Important Objectives & Summary

Good Manners by J.C. Hill Most Important Objectives & Summary


Summary of “Good Manners”


Good Manners‘ is written by J.C. Hill. Here, the writer has highlighted the importance of and the need for good manners in society and human life. He thinks that good manners are helpful in running our social life smoothly.

We should cultivate feelings of compassion for others and know our limitations as human beings. We should be aware of the need of others. If we are well-mannered, we are respected. If not, we are hated by everyone.

Good manners are relevant to both man and society. For progress and prosperity, communal peace and harmony, mutual cooperation and fellow feeling, and law and order are essential. The old and weak must be helped by the young and strong.

The young man who treated everyone cruelly falls ill and needs the help of others. After his recovery, he realizes the importance of cooperation and becomes a changed man. So, we should avoid ego and respect the views of others.

Truth should be always shared. Only then, our life will be easy, sweet, and comfortable.

Important Note:-

जहाँ तक मुझे पता है, सिर्फ इस summary को पढ़कर आपको बहुत ज्यादा तो समझ नहीं आया होगा | तो अगर आप इस चैप्टर को ढंग से समझना चाहते हैं, जिससे आपके objective और subjective दोनों complete हो सके |

आप नीचें दिए गए विडियो को जरुर देखें | पहले आप उसको देखें फिर नीचें दिए गए objective और subjective questions को अपने नोटबुक में जरुर लिख लें |



Most Important Objective Questions – Good Manners🔻

1. ‘Good Manners’ is written by

  • C.E.M Joad
  • Stephen Leacock
  • J.C. Hill
  • Robert Lynd

 Answer:- J.C. Hill 

2. J.C. Hill wants….to make life easy for elders.

  • people
  • adults
  • boys
  • None of these

 Answer:- adults 

3. Good Manners come from having……with others.

  • Sympathy
  • Limitation
  • Hatred
  • None of these

 Answer:- Sympathy 

4. ……….. comes from compression, understanding, and perceptions.

  • Good Manner
  • Bad Manner
  • Rough idea
  • Honesty

 Answer:- Good Manner 

5. “It takes two to speak the truth”, has been taken from which lesson?

  • Our own civilization
  • Forgetting
  • Good Manners
  • Robin

 Answer:- Good Manners 

6. Who does not care for the old and weak?

  • the young man
  • child
  • old
  • weak

 Answer:- the young man 

7. Who is always loved and respected?

  • A Good mannered man
  • A Bad mannered man
  • A Hypocrite
  • Nobody

 Answer:- A Good mannered man 

8. We should be careful and…while speaking.[2018]

  • attentive
  • dull
  • rude
  • loud

 Answer:- attentive 

9. ‘Good Manner’ by J.C. Hill has been adapted from?

  • Pass away
  • commanding the fate
  • Punishment
  • An introduction to citizenship

 Answer:- An introduction to citizenship 

10. It is our responsibility to make ourselves…….

  • undermine
  • understood
  • underemployed
  • mannered 

Answer:- Understood 

11. It is only ……… people who take remarks too literally. 

  • good
  • Wise
  • healthy
  • stupid 

 Answer:- Stupid 

12. The strong and healthy man use to ignore-

  • politicians
  • weak and old people
  • women
  • adults

 Answer:- weak and old people 

13. It is a bad manner to say…….things about someone behind his back. 

  • pleasant
  • right
  • unpleasant
  • none of these

 Answer:- unpleasant 

14. The young could move…….after recovering from illness.

  • fastly
  • slowly
  • confidently
  • faster 

 Answer:- Slowly 

15. The disabled should not be……by us. 

  • helped
  • mocked
  • hesitated
  • pushed

 Answer:- mocked 


16. It is not always easy in a company to speak- 

  • clearly
  • rudely
  • frankly
  • strictly 

 Answer:- Frankly 

17. The young man felt himself on ………. of life. 

  • broken
  • hurt
  • bottom
  • top

 Answer:- top 

18. We are…….and……..creatures on the earth.

  • weak, tired
  • tiny, cruel
  • humble, small
  • great, important

 Answer:- humble, small 

19. All of us are…….little things on the earth.

  • fragile
  • severe
  • bitter
  • heavier

 Answer:- fragile 

20. The picture of the…….proves that people often make mistakes in their statements.

  • war
  • bull-fight
  • riot
  • man-fight

 Answer:- bull-fight 

Most Important Subjective Questions – Good Manners🔻

1. What happened to the healthy young man?

स्वस्थ नौजवान को क्या हुआ?

Ans:- The young man was proud of his age and health. He never cared for the old and weak. He thought to be self-dependent. Once he got an attack of influenza and due to little attention, he developed Pneumonia and was dangerously ill.

When he recovered he could only move slowly. He was easily tired and life became difficult for him.

2. What did the young man notice on trains and buses afterward?

ट्रेनों और बसों में जवान ने बाद में क्या देखा?

Ans:- After recovering from a dangerous illness (Pneumonia). When the young man was well enough to go to work, he looked at the strong, young men sitting comfortably on the train or bus.

He noticed how tired some of the older people were who were standing beside him.

3. What did he always do afterward?

उसने हमेशा बाद में क्या किया?

Ans:- The healthy young man after recovering from Pneumonia realized that no man is independent. People need help and co-operation from each other.

Thus, now when he was on a train or bus he now looked around to see if there was an older person in need of a seat and if there was he gave up his. He said to himself, I have got my strength back but ‘these older people will never have their strength again’.

4. What should you be careful of when speaking to someone?

किसी से बात करते समय आपको क्या सावधानी रखनी चाहिए?

Ans:- First, we should see whether the man being spoken to is listening and understanding what we are saying. And when you speak to someone, speak clearly and loudly for the person to hear.

It is an insult to a person to ask for his attention and then speak because he does not understand you. And while talking, it is your responsibility to make yourself understood.

5. What does the writer say about the truth?[2018, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2010]

सत्य के बारे में लेखक क्या कहता है?

Ans:- The writer of this extract says that truth is never a one-sided affair. It takes two to speak the truth. One can not speak the truth by saying what one thinks is the truth. We have to express the truth differently to different people.

Because what we say is never absolute truth, it has different meanings for different people under different situations.

6. What should be the rule about a conversation?

बातचीत के बारे में क्या नियम होना चाहिए?

Ans:- When we are in a company we should take only a fair share of the conversation. If there are two of you, take half of it. When you have said a little keep quiet and give your friend a chance to say something. Nobody wants to listen for long to any person.

But, many young man or woman talks away, thinking the company is delighted to hear them. And if you don’t want to be considered a bad-manner person you have to watch constantly for signs.

7. Why should you be careful when talking about other people?

अन्य लोगों के बारे में बात करते समय आपको क्यों सावधान रहना चाहिए?

Ans:- When you are talking about others, you may think that you can say unpleasant things about someone behind his back and not be found out. But it is surprising how the remarks usually find their way to the person with your name attached.

So, whatever you say, always assume that the person may over near you and adjust your remarks accordingly. All experienced people act in this way.

8. What did the picture of the bullfight to prove?

बैल-लड़ाई की तस्वीर से क्या साबित हुआ?

Ans:- Some students at a university were shown on a screen a picture of a bullfight. They were then asked what they had seen. A student saw the bull having its tongue out. He was quite sure about it.

Yet when he was shown the picture again, he saw that the bull’s mouth was closed but that, because its head was turned to the side the ear looked like the tongue.

Hence, the picture of the bullfight proves that whenever you are arguing with someone about a point, remember that there is quite a good chance that you are wrong however confident you feel about it.

9. What factors produce good manners?[2017, 2016, 2013, 2011]

क्या कारक अच्छे शिष्टाचार उत्पन्न करते हैं? 

Ans:- Good manners produce from having sympathy for others and from understanding our own limitations. We should always realize that we are humble, unimportant little people on this earth, and try to help the world as much as we can in our short time here.

In this way, good manners can be produced.

10. What is the meaning of ‘I shall not pass this way again?’

‘मैं फिर से इस तरह से नहीं गुजरूंगा?’ का क्या मतलब है?

Ans:- This expression means life is given to all human beings as one time opportunity.

So if any good, that you can do, or any kindness that you can show to any fellow creature, just do it now. Don’t defer or neglect it.

Again, अगर आप Question-Answers part को समझना चाहतें हैं, तो नीचे दिए गए विडियो को जरुर देखें |



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