The Evolution of Computers | Initial Development | SparkEasy


   Evolution of Computers      👉 The Evolution of Computers: “Necessity is the mother of invention.” The saying holds for computers too. Researchers developed computers because of man’s quest for fast and accurate calculating devices. 📌 The first mechanical adding machine was invented by Blaise Pascal in 1642. Later, the first calculator for multiplication … Read more

Difference between Sequential-Access and Direct-Access Devices | SparkEasy


   Secondary Storage Devices    The primary storage of today’s computer systems has the following limitations:   1. Limited capacity: It is often necessary to store many millions, sometimes billions, and even trillions, of bytes of data in a computer. Unfortunately, the primary storage capacity of today’s computers is insufficient to store the large volume … Read more

Difference between RISC and CISC | Types of Processors | SparkEasy


   Difference between RISC and CISC Processors  👉CISC Processors     One of the earlier objectives of CPU designers was- to provide more and more instructions in the instruction set of a CPU to ensure that the CPU supports more functions directly. It makes it easier to translate high-level language programs to machine language. It … Read more

Characteristics of a Good Program | BCA | SparkEasy


   Characteristics of a Good Programming Language    As we know, there are some popular high-level languages, while others could not become so popular despite being very powerful. For the success of a language in any field, there might be many reasons. But one apparent reason is its characteristics. Several characteristics believed to be essential … Read more

Algorithm and Flowchart | Explained with Examples | BCA | SparkEasy

   Algorithm and Flowchart  What is an algorithm: The actual planning of a program involves defining its logic (the correct sequence of instructions needed to solve the corresponding problem). The term algorithm directs the logic of a program.   It is a step-by-step explanation of how to solve a given problem. A sequence of instructions … Read more

What is Pseudocode? | Advantages & Disadvantages | BCA | SparkEasy

 Pseudocode      What is Pseudocode: Pseudocode is another program-planning tool used for planning program logic. “Pseudo” means imitation or false, and “Code” refers to the instructions written in a programming language.     Pseudocode, therefore, is an imitation of actual computer instructions. These pseudo instructions are phrases written in a natural language (e.g., English, … Read more

Characteristics of Computer | Difference Human Brain Vs Computer | SparkEasy

   Characteristics of Computer          Characteristics of Computer: The increasing popularity of computers has proved that it is a potent and valuable tool. The power and usefulness of this popular tool are mainly due to its following characteristics: – 1. Automatic: – An automatic machine works without human intervention. Computers are automatic … Read more