I have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr. summary with QnA

I have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr. summary with QnA

I have a Dream – Summary

I have a Dream‘ is actually an extract from the inspiring speech delivered by the great human rights activist and Nobel prize winner, Martin Luther King Jr. a Negro leader in 1963.

Here he calls upon the Negroes of America to take a pledge to fight for their rights in a nonviolent way. He reminds them that though slavery in America has long been abolished.
But the Negroes are still poor, exploited, and racially discriminated. Social and economic justice is still a far cry. So, the struggle by Negroes must continue.
However, their creative protest should not degenerate into physical violence and hatred. There must be peaceful and disciplined. He also reminds the white Americans that all men have been created equal by God. They should shed their hatred for the Blacks because the Blacks are also the citizens of same America.
He hopes that a day will come when both the Blacks and Whites will sit together at a table of brotherhood and Alabama, too will become a developed state as the other states of America.

 Objectives – I have a Dream

1. ‘I have a dream’ is a speech delivered by ………[2018]

  • Shiga Naoya
  • H. E. Bates
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Germaine Greer

Answer:- Martin Luther King, Jr.

2. Martin Luther King Jr. dislikes ……… discrimination.[2018]

  • caste
  • sex
  • religion
  • racial

Answer:- racial

3. I have a dream is written by ………

  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Germaine Greer

Answer:- Martin Luther King Jr.

4. Martin Luther King Jr belonged to ……….

  • Britain
  • The USA
  • Germany
  • France

Answer:- The USA

5. Martin Luther King Jr. was a ………

  • Negro
  • American
  • French
  • German

Answer:- Negro

6. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his speech in Washington DC on August ……..

  • 12, 1964
  • 25, 1963
  • 28, 1963
  • 28, 1965

Answer:- 28, 1963

7. ………. is sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression.

  • Mississippi
  • Chicago
  • Newyork
  • Texas

Answer:- Mississippi

8. Nobel Prize for Peace was given to Martin Luther King Jr. in ……….

  • 1963
  • 1964
  • 1965
  • 1966

Answer:- 1964

9. Who said, “My children will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • H.E. Bates

Answer:- Martin Luther King Jr.

10. Martin Luther King Jr. had ……. children.

  • one
  • two
  • three
  • four

Answer:- four

Bharat is my Home – Dr. Zakir Hussain

11. Martin Luther King Jr. loves the white ………..

  • Asian
  • African
  • American
  • European

Answer:- American

12. Who was influenced by Gandhiji?

  • Bertrand Russell
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • H.E. Bates

Answer:- Martin Luther King Jr.

13. To which state does he want to see as a developed state?

  • Texas
  • Alaska
  • Alabama
  • Tennesse

Answer:- Alabama

14. Who was one of the greatest orators in American history?

  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • H. E. Bates
  • Martin Luther King Jr.

Answer:- Martin Luther King Jr.

15. The bank of justice age ………

  • highway
  • staggered
  • bankrupt
  • struggled

Answer:- bankrupt

16. Nineteen ………… is not an end, but a beginning.

  • sixty
  • sixty-one
  • sixty-two
  • sixty-three

Answer:- sixty-three

17. Who was not satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream?

  • Negro
  • White
  • American
  • European

Answer:- Negro

18. Let us not wallow in the valley of ……….

  • hope
  • greed
  • despair
  • poverty

Answer:- despair

19. ………… was a great orator.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Pearl S. Buck
  • Germaine Greer
  • Shiga Naoya

Answer:- Martin Luther King Jr.

20. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on ………

  • April 4, 1968
  • April 3, 1963
  • April 14, 1968
  • April 4, 1965

Answer:- April 4, 1968

A Pinch of Snuff – Manohar Malgaonkar

21. What is the phrase used by the author, talking about the difficulties, pain, and suffering the people face when they raise voice against injustice and discrimination?

  • Trials and tributes
  • Tearing up the tiring
  • Trials and tribulations
  • Languishing tribulations

Answer:- Trials and tribulations

22. The pledge is to always go ahead on the path of ……….

  • Hills
  • Success
  • Freedom
  • Love

Answer:- Freedom

23. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in ……..

  • 1919
  • 1929
  • 1939
  • 1917

Answer:- 1929

24. The slum area densely populated by an isolated community is marked by ………..

  • safe place
  • fallen
  • ghetto
  • oasis

Answer:- ghetto

25. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on ………

  • March 4, 1965
  • April 4, 1966
  • May 4, 1967
  • December 4, 1968

Answer:- April 4, 1968

26. How many times King repeats that ‘we cannot be satisfied’.

  • two times
  • three times
  • five times
  • six times

Answer:- five times

27. The word ‘momentous’ stands for ………..

  • foolishness
  • aggressive
  • very important
  • unimportant

Answer:- very important

28. What was Martin Luther King, Jr. before becoming a civil rights activist?

  • Businessman
  • Baptist minister
  • Preacher
  • magician

Answer:- Baptist minister


1. What is the pledge taken by the Negroes?
Ans:- The pledge taken by the Negroes which is very well explained in ‘I Have a Dream’. It is a speech written by Martin Luther King Jr.
They make a promise to themselves and pledge that they will never turn back until and unless they get their rights. They will keep on marching for their justice and freedom.
2. When will the black people finally thank the Almighty?
Ans:- The black people, the Negroes would be grateful to the Almighty and thank him relentlessly only when freedom will ring out in every corner of America.
They would praise and thank God because ultimately they will have the same right and freedom as the other citizens of us.
3. What does his speech reveal?
Ans:- His speech proves that he is a great orator and can stir the mind and heart of all the Negro of America. His commitment to the rights of people and his concern for their uplift have got revealed in his speech.
4. What does Martin Luther say about the life of Negroes?[2018]
Ans:- He says that the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. They still live on a lonely island of poverty.
5. Why does he thank God?
Ans:- He thanks God that they are, at last, free. Slavery has been abolished. Everyone is equal in the eyes of law.
6. What cautions are required in this task?
Ans:- Bitterness and hatred must go. Creative protest should not be allowed to degenerate into physical violence. Trials and tribulations should be utilized for redemption.
7. What are the things needed to remove the discontent of the Negro?
Ans:- Freedom and equality are required to remove their discontent. They must be provided with equal opportunities for their development. Their cultural identity must be protected.


1. “We must forever conduct our struggle ………… with soul force.” 
 >>> Here Martin Luther King Jr. in the essay I have a Dream calls upon the Negroes of America to continue fighting for justice and equality.
But he warns them that the struggle must be conducted with dignity and discipline. It should never be violent. The brute physical force must be faced with the force of the soul.

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