Bharat is my Home by Zakir Hussain Summary & QnA

Bharat is my Home by Zakir Hussain Summary & QnA

Summary of Bharat is my Home



Bharat is my Home is written by Dr. Zakir Hussain. He was a true Nationalist and a devoted loyalist of our past culture. When he took oath as the President of India, he pledged to work for the progress of the nation without any demarcation of caste and creed.

He was proud to be an Indian and pledged to make his Bharat ‘strong and beautiful’. Dr. Zakir Hussain was grateful to the citizen of India for choosing him as the President, as the head of the family.
He promised them that he would try his best to make the life of his people graceful and prosperous. That is why he said- ‘The whole of Bharat is my home and its people are my family’.


Objective Questions


1. Bharat is my home is written by……

  • Anton P Chekhov
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Pearl S Buck
  • Mahatma Gandhi

Answer:- Dr. Zakir Hussain


2. Dr. Zakir Hussain took the oath as the ……

  • President
  • Mayor
  • Minister
  • Governor

Answer:- President


3. Dr. Zakir Hussain was born in ……

  • 1895
  • 1896
  • 1897
  • 1898

Answer:- 1897


4. Dr. Zakir Hussain delivered his speech in ……

  • 1965
  • 1966
  • 1967
  • 1968

Answer:- 1967


5. …… was the role model of Dr. Zakir Hussain.

  • Indira Gandhi
  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad
  • Dr. Radha Krishnan
  • Sardar Patel

Answer:- Dr. Radha Krishnan


6. Dr. Zakir Hussain was great ……

  • nationalist
  • politician
  • leader
  • thinker

Answer:- nationalist


7. Who was overwhelmed by the trust his people have placed in him?

  • Bertrand Russell
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Shiga Naoya
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain

Answer:- Dr. Zakir Hussain


8. Who entered the office in a spirit of prayerful humility and total dedication?[2018]

  • Dr. Radha Krishnan
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Bertrand Russell

Answer:- Dr. Zakir Hussain


9. Dr. Zakir Hussain became the President of India in ……

  • 1966
  • 1967
  • 1968
  • 1968

Answer:- 1967


10. Who has taken the oath of loyalty to the constitution of India?

  • Shiga Naoya
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Bertrand Russell
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain

Answer:- Dr. Zakir Hussain


11. …… brought a lot of erudition and wealth of knowledge to the presidency.

  • N S Reddy
  • Dr. Radha Krishnan
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Answer:- Dr. Radha Krishnan


12. Who pledges his loyalty to his country irrespective of religion or language?

  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • H. E. Bates
  • Shiga Naoya
  • Bertrand Russell

Answer:- Dr. Zakir Hussain


13. Dr. Zakir Hussain feels greatly obliged to the people of ……

  • Britain
  • Bangladesh
  • India
  • Pakistan

Answer:- India


14. Who said, “The past is not dead and static, it is alive and dynamic?”

  • H. E. Bates
  • Shiga Naoya
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain

Answer:- Dr. Zakir Hussain


15. Which nation has been called the young state of an ancient people?

  • India
  • Pakistan
  • China
  • Iran

Answer:- India


16. What is the prime instrument of national purpose?

  • Teaching
  • Service
  • Business
  • Education

Answer:- Education


17. Dr. Zakir Hussain entered the office of the President in a spirit of ……

  • Learned genius
  • Prayerful humility and total dedication
  • Dignity and justice
  • Peace and harmony

Answer:- Prayerful humility and total dedication


18. ‘Work on one’s self, means work for ……

  • Mass
  • Class
  • Individual
  • Society

Answer:- Individual


19. When did Dr. Zakir Hussain die?

  • 1989
  • 1979
  • 1969
  • 1968

Answer:- 1969


20. How long did Dr. Zakir Hussain live?

  • 72 years
  • 75 years
  • 68 years
  • 70 years

Answer:- 72 years


21. Dr. Zakir Hussain said, ‘Bharat is my home’ in the context of his ……

  • Governor’s speech
  • Presidential speech
  • One of the novels
  • Speech to public

Answer:- Presidential speech


22. Earlier to becoming the President of India, Dr. Hussain served as the Governor of ……

  • U.P.
  • Maharashtra
  • Bihar
  • Madhya Pradesh

Answer:- Bihar


23. The word ‘erudition’ stands for ……

  • poverty
  • great knowledge
  • prosperity
  • greed

Answer:- great knowledge


Subjective Questions

1. What does Zakir Hussain in his essay Bharat is my home want us to dedicate ourselves to?

Ans:- Dr. Zakir Hussain wants us to stand up for all things that are moral. Because immorality leads to failure.

Moreover in order to build up a strong nation. We should concentrate on peace through non-violence.

2. What is Dr. Zakir Hussain’s concept of education?

Ans:- According to Dr. Zakir Hussain, education is the prime instrument of national purpose. The quality of education should be maintained because on it rests the quality of a nation.


3. On what occasion did Dr. Zakir Hussain deliver this speech?

Ans:- He delivered this speech in 1967 after taking the oath as president. This is his first speech as the president of India.


4. Why is Dr. Zakir Hussain overwhelmed?[2018]


 Ans:- He is overwhelmed by the trust his people have placed in him by electing him to the highest office in the land.


5. What are the two aspects of work that he talks about?


 Ans:- The two aspects of work that talks about our individual and social. We should work for ourselves as well as for our society.
The individual cannot perfectly prosper without the corresponding prosperity of society.


6. What does he feel while assuming the charge of the Presidency?


 Ans:- He feels greatly obliged to the people of the country. And enters this office in a spirit of prayerful humility and total dedication.


7. ‘The past is not dead and static’ who says this and why?


 Ans:- It is Dr. Zakir Hussain who says that the past is not dead and static. In his view, the past is alive and dynamic. It determines the quality of our present and the prospects of our future.
India is a new state of ancient people. He says so, to highlight the importance of Indian Culture based on the principle of unity amidst diversity.




1. I have full faith in my people that they will bring forth the energy required for the satisfactory performance of this dual-task.


 >>This line has been taken from Bharat is my home which is written by Dr. Zakir Hussain. The writer says that an individual can’t progress in all fields without the help of society.
Important works can be solved with the assistance of the society. Society is essential for the real progress of the individual. And the progress of the individual leads to the development of the nation.


2. I must confess that I am overwhelmed by the trust my people have placed in me by electing me to the highest office in the land.


 >>The line that has been taken from Bharat is my home, written by Dr. Zakir Hussain. He is very happy because he has been elected as the President of India.
He wants to thank the people of India because they have trusted him for this highest post. So, he wants to serve the people of India without any prejudice.


3. The whole of Bharat is my home and its people are my family.


 >>This line has been taken from Bharat is my home, which is written by Dr. Zakir Hussain. He says that the whole of Bharat is his home and its people are like his family.
So, he wants to see the all-around development of all the Indians. As a head of the family, he wants to make his home(India) strong and beautiful. His wishes are you see India developing as a super nation in the world.


4. I maintain that education is a prime instrument of national purpose. And that quality of education is capably involved in the quality of the nation.


 >>Both lines have been taken from Bharat is my home written by Dr. Zakir Hussain. The newly elected president confesses that education is essential for the development of a nation.
A nation can’t progress without imparting quality education to its citizens. Proper education must be given to people. He advises the Indian to get education for the Welfare of their motherland.


5. It is the business of education …….. quality of the nation.


 >>The line that has been taken from Bharat is my home by Dr. Zakir Hussain. Here he highlights the importance of education in nation-building.
He says that education lies in innovation. It is an important instrument of nation-building. Without education, we cannot make India a great nation.

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