Adlestrop by Edward Thomas Summary, Objective & Subjective



Adlestrop by Edward Thomas Summary

The poem ‘Adlestrop’ has been composed by a British poet named Edward Thomas. He himself was a soldier and was killed in First World War.

The poem celebrates sudden delight as if the poet steps wholly outside normal life. He compares the silliness of noisy war life with the stillness of nature and expresses his wish for a peaceful war-free life amidst nature.

The poet reaches the station Adlestrop one afternoon in the month of June unplanned in an Express train. The journey has been very smooth but he is surprised to find the platform empty.

No one is coming or leaving only the name of the stations is shinning but the world of Nature is not as inactive as the platform. A blackbird starts singing near a willow. It is picked up by other birds. The sky is cloudiness. Nature and machine have merged.


1. The poem ‘Adlestrop’ is composed by ……….

  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Rupert Brooke
  • Seigfried Sassoon
  • Edward Thomas

2. Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire are situated in ……….?

  • England
  • America
  • Egypt
  • China

3. Edward Thomas was born in ……….?

  • America
  • London
  • China
  • Australia

4. What was the time when the poet reached Adlestrop?

  • Early Morning
  • Midnight
  • Afternoon
  • Night

5. To which country did Edward Thomas belong?

  • Britain
  • America
  • France
  • Japan

6. The train reached Adlestrop in the month of ……….?

  • August
  • June
  • July
  • May

7. At which station did the train stop unwontedly?

  • Oxfordshire
  • Gloucestershire
  • Adlestrop
  • Hampshire

8. Edward Thomas was born in ……….?

  • 1875
  • 1876
  • 1877
  • 1878

9. In which World War was Edward Thomas Killed?

  • Second World War
  • First World War
  • Seven Years War
  • Civil War

10. Edward Thomas died in ……….?

  • 1914
  • 1915
  • 1917
  • 1918

Answer :- 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (B) 10. (C)


1. What was the time when the poet reached Adlestrop?

Answer:- It was the afternoon when the poet reached the railway station, Adlestrop.

2. Why was the heat in the atmosphere?

Answer:- It was the month of Late June. So, there was heat in the atmosphere.

3. Why does the poet remember Adlestrop?

Answer:- The poet remembers Adlestrop because his train had stopped there unintentionally and the platform was empty with no one present there. It was a very unusual and unnatural sight.

4. How was noise being created in the still atmosphere?

Answer:- The noise was being created because of the hissing of the steam engine and someone clearing his throat.

5. Describe the scene on the platform?

Answer:- There was an unusual scene on the platform. No one was coming or leaving. The platform was empty. Only the board bearing the name ‘Adlestrop’ was visible.

6. What was happening on the other side of the station?

Answer:- The other side of the station was showing the beauty of nature. The sky was cloudless. A blackbird started singing that was picked up by other birds.

The willow was covered with herbs and grass. Music amidst-stillness was very soothing and heart-touching.

7. What are the two towns mentioned in the poem?

Answer:- The two towns mentioned in the poem are Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

8. How did it look outside the platform?

Answer:- The scene outside the platform showed willows, willow-herds, dry haycocks-all still and looking lonely like high cloudlets in the sky.


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