The daffodils summary, objectives & Question Answers | William Wordsworth – Spark Easy


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The Daffodils Summary – William Wordsworth


The Daffodils summary: It is a popular nature lyric by the famous romantic poet, William Wordsworth. To his mind, nature is our friend, philosopher, and guide and we should have a close contact with nature. Here, he has expressed his delight and joy at seeing a best of daffodils, fluttering and dancing in the breeze near a lake.

Once the poet was wandering to and fro like a piece of cloud. Suddenly, he caught sight of a host of golden daffodils, fluttering and dancing beside the lake and beneath the trees. The line of daffodils was unending. He could set thousands of them at a glance. The dance of them was more sprightly than that of the waves.

His heart, too, began to dance with them whenever he feels lonely he recalls to his mind that very scene and gets delighted at once.

Daffodils summary


The Daffodils – Objectives


1. ‘The Daffodils’ is a poem written by ……….

  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Rupert Brooke
  • W.B. Yeats
  • William Wordsworth

2. “The Daffodils” can be called ……….

  • Heroic poem
  • Nature poem
  • Romantic Poem
  • None of these

3. How many daffodils did the poet see at a glance? [2018]

  • Five thousand
  • Ten thousand
  • Fifteen thousand
  • Twenty Thousand

4. Wordsworth saw a host of daffodils beside the ……….? [2018]

  • River
  • Sea
  • Lake
  • Hill

5. Who was also dancing like the daffodils?

  • Waves
  • Sea
  • River
  • Air

6. To which things have the golden daffodils been compared?

  • Sun
  • Sky
  • Stars
  • Gold

7. To which thing does the poet call Jocund’s company?

  • The rose
  • The Daffodils
  • The Jasmine
  • The sunflower

8. Where did the poet find a host of daffodils?

  • Besides the lake
  • Beneath the trees
  • Besides the river
  • Besides the sea

9. Where were the daffodils fluttering and dancing?

  • in the ocean
  • in the sea
  • in the breeze
  • in the river

10. ‘I wondered lonely as a cloud’ is a line taken from?

  • Everyone sang
  • The Daffodils
  • The Soldier
  • If

Answers:- 1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (C) 10. (B)

Daffodils summary


The Daffodils – Subjectives

1. Where did the poet find a host of daffodils?

Answer:- The poet found a host of daffodils beside the lake, beneath the trees.

The Daffodils Summary

2. What is the bliss of solitude?

Answer:- Wordsworth has defined poetry as the “recollection of emotions in tranquility”. Solitude provides a suitable atmosphere for the recollection of past events. The poet, reclining on his couch, recalls to his mind the sight of beautiful daffodils and becomes, once again happy. This is the bliss of solitude.

The Daffodils Summary

3. What were those daffodils doing?

Answer:- Those daffodils were fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

The Daffodils Summary

4. What does the poet mean by ‘The inward eye’?

Answer:- ‘The inward eye’ refers to man’s creative mind or imagination which is capable of the divine power of perception.

The Daffodils Summary

5. Who wrote this poem?

Answer:- It is William Wordsworth who wrote this poem.


6. How did they differ from the waves?

Answer:- The waves were also dancing like the daffodils but the dance of the daffodils was more sprightly than that of the waves.

The Daffodils Summary

7. How many daffodils did the poet see at a glance?

Answer:- The poet saw ten thousand daffodils at a glance, tossing their heads in sprightly dance. It is, however, an exaggeration.


8. Why does the poet call ‘The Daffodils Jocund Company’?

Answer:- The poet at that time was walking alone. The daffodils, beautiful to look at, were fluttering and dancing. Their joy fills the lonely heart of the poet with the same. So, he calls them ‘Jocund Company’.


9. What was the poet’s first reaction?

Answer:- The poet was spellbound by the beauty of the golden daffodils. The poet too, became happy and go to see their dance.


10. What have the golden daffodils been compared to in the second stanza?

Answer:- The golden daffodils have been compared to the stars in the milky way.

The Daffodils Summary

11. When does the poet become happy again?

Answer:- The poet is confined to his room. He is in a pensive mood but his ‘inward eye’ suddenly catches the scene of dancing daffodils that he had witnessed earlier and the poet once again becomes happy. His heart is filled with pleasure again.


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