Echo by Walter de la Mare | Summary, Objectives, and Subjectives – @SparkEasyEducation


 Summary of Echo – Walter de la Mare

Echo is a brilliant piece of nature poetry. It has been composed by the famous British poet, Walter de la Mare. The poet here describes the mysterious peace and silence in nature. He successfully creates the atmosphere of wonder in the poem.

The poet while walking through a forest hears a sound and instantly asks- “Who called”? He looks around but finds no one there only his own question returns to him. He suspects that someone may be hiding behind trees and mocking at him. He feels sad because he has not hurt anyone in any way.

So, he bursts out- “Who cares”? and his question, too returns to him. This makes him realise that man gets back what he gives to others. Man himself is responsible for his pain or pleasure. Nature also gives us back what we give to her. Man and nature, therefore, co-exist in mutual trust and respect.

Echo – Objectives

1. ‘Echo’ is a poem written by ……….

  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Rupert Brooke
  • Walter De La Mare
  • William Wordsworth

2. Who talks about the leafy boughs?

  • Rudyard Kipling
  • Walter De La Mare
  • Rupert Brooke
  • W.B. Yeats

3. Where was Walter De La Mare born?

  • Kent
  • London
  • Somerset
  • Warwickshire

4. ‘Eyes in the green’ suggest ……….

  • get of imagination
  • mysterious creatures
  • mocking
  • hate

5. Who is his own maker?

  • Dog
  • Animal
  • Man
  • None

6. Who realise that one gets back what one gives to others?

  • Edward Thomas
  • Seigfried Sassoon
  • Walter De La Mare
  • None of these

7. Walter De La Mare took birth in ……….?

  • 1873
  • 1885
  • 1854
  • 1852

8. What was the first expression of the poet?

  • Who Cared
  • Who Called
  • Who Spoke
  • None of these

9. Walter De La Mare is famous as a ……….?

  • Children’s Poet
  • Romantic Poet
  • War Poet
  • Nature Poet

10. Which poem is a poem about silence and mystery?

  • Adlestrop
  • Echo
  • The Soldier
  • If

11. Who is the ‘I’ in the poem Echo?

  • Walter De La Mare
  • Rudyard Kipling
  • William Wordsworth
  • Seigfried

12. What was the second expression of the poet?

  • Who Called
  • Who Spoke
  • Who is there
  • Who CaredAnswers:- 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (A) 8. (B) 9. (A) 10. (B) 11. (A) 12. (D)

Echo – Subjectives

1. What was the second expression of the poet?

Answer:- The second expression of the poet was ‘Who cares’?

2. Why were the birds baffled?

Answer:- The entire forest was echoing ‘Who cared’ but the birds found no person doing so. Therefore, the birds were baffled.

3. “Eyes in the green”- what are these?

Answer:- These are unseen people as imagined by the poet. He thinks that these hidden persons might be echoing the poet’s words.

4. What did the poet hear when he was going?

Answer:- The poet heard certain sounds while he was passing through the forest. Therefore, he unintentionally asked “Who called”?

5. What was the feeling of the poet when his question who called was not answered?

Answer:- The poet felt sad and dejected when his question ‘Who called’ was not answered. He thought that someone was mocking at him but he did not know why he was being mocked when he had not harmed anyone.

6. Why do tears appear in the poet’s eyes?

Answer:- The poet is not getting answers to his questions. He feels helpless. He feels that someone is mocking at him though he did no harm to anyone. So, tears appear in his eyes.

7. What creates dream like quality in the poem?

Answer:- The poet feels that there are persons and voices that we do not see but they are always watching us. This creates mystery and dream like quality in the poem. The readers stand baffled while reading this poem.

8. Who is ‘I’ in the poem?

Answer:- The poet himself is ‘I’ in the poem. The poem has been written in the first person style.

9. What was returning to the poet?

Answer:- There was no person present in the forest. What the poet said was returning to him. Both ‘Who called’ and ‘Who cared’ were getting echoed and returning to the poet.

10. Who wrote the poem ‘Echo’?

Answer:- It is Walter de la Mare wrote the poem ‘Echo’.

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