Story of English: Subjective Class 12th Bihar Board Exam 2021


Story of English: Subjective Class 12th Bihar Board Exam 2021

Story of English: Subjective

1. Write a note on the future of English in India.

    or, Discuss the future of English in India.

Ans:- The future of English is very bright in India because of its vast scope of utilization. English is the link language of the country. It is spreading far and wide in our country. India is a developing country. All recent inventions and discoveries are found in the books of English.

Today we cannot progress without English. English has become an international language and it has a future in India because of globalization. The market economy has created international trade and marketing. The knowledge of English is essential in such a situation.

English has generated employment in India. Thousands of Call centers require employees who have good knowledge of English. English is going to play an important role in a country’s affairs. Thus, it can be said that English in India is very bright.

2. Discuss English as a Global Language.

Ans:- Today English is known as a Global Language. Because no other language in the world is red and spoken in so many countries as it is.

Naturally, it has become the language of International Trade, commerce, science, technology, and diplomacy. English was mainly the language of England. But it begins to leave the source of England and by the 19th Century, it was well on its way to becoming a world language.

During the 20th century, English firmly established itself a world language and took a global shape. There are two main effects of this worldwide spread of English, which are the following:-

(a) New National varieties of English like American English, Australian English, Canadian English, etc. came into being.

(b) New varieties of English develop in countries where English was not a mother tongue, e.g., Indian English, Nigerian English, etc.

Thus, we can say that English is a Global Language.

3. Write a note on the importance of English for Indians.

Ans:- English is very important for Indians. It played an important role in our freedom struggle. Now it is a link language of the country. It is spreading far and wide in our country.
All recent inventions and discoveries are found in the book of English. We cannot progress without English. English has become an international language and it has a future in India because of globalization.
The market economy has created international trade and marketing. The knowledge of English is essential in such a situation. English has generated employment in India.
Thousands of Call Centres require employees who have good knowledge of English. In these situations, it is most important for Indians to learn English in this age of globalization.

Thus, English as great importance for Indians.


Story of English: Objectives Bihar Board Class 12th 2021

4. Write a short note on the difference between a novel and a short story.

Ans:- There are many differences between the novel and the short story. They are the following:-

(a) The story of a novel is large, but the short story is short.

(b) The novel is based on imagination, short stories are related to the reality of life.

(c) Novels are costly. On the other hand, short story books are much cheaper.

(d) It takes much time to read a novel and short story take little time to read it.

Thus, these are the main differences between a novel and a short story.

5. Write a note on old English.

Ans:- The first period in the history of English is known as the old English period. This period was the childhood of English as a language. At that time English was a mixture of different dialects. It was not a standard language. It’s words where written and pronounced differently.
Old English was not a single uniform language and had four dialects. They are Kentish, Northumbrian, Mercian, and West Saxon. The writing system of old English is different from what we find today.

It has no grammar. Many of old English words and structures are not available today. Thus, the old English period is the first stage of English literature which is from AD 499 to AD 1066.

6. Write a short note on difficulties in learning English.

Ans:- English is very important for Indians. In the past, it played a crucial role in initiating the Indians into the latest knowledge acquired by western countries.

It played an important role in providing a link language to our country. It helped in bringing the people of different regions on one platform.
In fact, it provided teeth freedom movement. It is due to English that our freedom struggle could acquire a dimension of the national movement.
Today science has brought the nations of the world very close. The globalization of economy, diplomacy, and technology has made it compulsory for Indians to learn English.

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7. Who is your favorite Indian poet in English? Write briefly.

My favorite Indian poet is Rabindranath Tagore. He was the youngest child of Maharshi Devendra Nath Tagore. He made 10 voyages to England.

Tagore was a versatile genius a poet, a play writer, a novelist, a painter, a musician, an educator, and even a leader.
He was both an internationalist, and a firebrand patriot of the sometimes. In 1912, Tagore’s Gitanjali came to be published and he earned Nobel Prize for literature in 1913.

The poetic output of Tagore has been enormous. He composes about 1,00,000 lines of poetry.

8. Write a few sentences on Sarojini Naidu as a great Indian poetess writing in English.

Ans:- Sarojini Naidu (1879-1950) called by many the Kokil(cuckoo) of India was born in a wealthy family at Hyderabad. She studied at London and Cambridge University.

Her first book of poetry ‘The golden Threshold‘ appeared in 1905. It is about love and motherhood. She was driven inward and her growing sadness finds its expression in the ‘Bird of Time‘ published in 1912.
The same themes become dominant in her next poem ‘The broken Wing‘ published in 1917. ‘The Temple‘ came during her last stage.
The collection of poetry entitled. The father of the Daun appeared last time. In her best poetry, we find a great depth of feeling and a brooding sadness.

It is also occasionally lit up with the glamour and mysticism of the East.

9. Write a brief note on American English.

Ans:- When the countries like USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand became independent of the British Empire. The English language written and spoken there and tried to shed off some of the features of Queen English.
The people there were not native speakers of English. So, they created a new variety of English bringing some change in the original spelling, grammar, and pronunciation of British English.

The new variety of English that developed in America after its independence is called American English. The changes can be listed in the following way:-

BRITISH                          AMERICAN

Spelling          Colour                              Color
Enclosure                          Inclosure

                         Litre                                   Liter

Vocabulary     Sweets                               Candy
Bistcuits                             Crackers
Nappy                                Diaper
Motor Car                          Automobile
Taxi                                    Cab
Lift                                      Elevator

Grammar       He has got off the chair.              He has gotten off the chair.
I have just eaten.                        I just ate.
I am visiting her tomorrow.          I am visiting with her tomorrow.
I have not seen her for 3 months.     I have not seen her in 3 months.


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10. Write a note on middle English.

Ans:- The second stage in the history of English is known as the Middle English period. The period is from AD 1150 to AD 1500. During this period English was a mixture of dialects.
There were five dialects in the middle. They were Northern, Southern, East Midland, West Midland, and Kentish. The introduction of printing Technology And The Great vowel shift are two significant events of this period.
The most important feature of Middle English is its great variety in a different part of England. The variety was not confined to English as it was spoken.
It appears in the writing literature. The Middle English period was marked by intensive and fundamental changes in the phonological and grammatical system of English.

Chancer, Gower, Langland, and Wyclif are important writers of this period.


11. Write a note on Modern English.

Ans:- The English from the 15th century till now is called Modern English. This period can be divided into Modern English I and II.
During Modern English I, English absorbed words from almost 50 languages. But, English grammar remained conservative. Modern English is in standard English. It is spoken and written in the same way in the larger parts of the world.
It has its own standard pronunciation. The 18th century has been called the ‘Augustan Age‘ in the history of English literature.
The needs of a dictionary and grammar were felt greatly during this period. After the 18th century, the English language began to leave the shores of England.

It traveled to almost all parts of the world and soon became the world language.

12. Write a note on English as an international language.

      Write a note on English as a world language.

Ans:- English is the rate and spoken all over the world. It is used as a mother tongue or first language in the UK, USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

These countries are generally known as the mother tongue countries of English. It is used as a second official language in many Asian and African countries such as India, Singapore, Malaysia, Namibia, etc.
It is widely used and studied as a foreign language in China, Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, etc.
This language belongs to the whole world. It is now the main language of Science and Technology. It is used all over the world as a language of learning communication, international trade, and Commerce, diplomacy, International Sports, etc.

Thus, it can be said that English is an international language.


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13. Write a note on the importance of English in the modern age.

Ans:- English has become a language of science, technology, and Commerce. Its popularity can be added to the expansion in its usage. It has become an inseparable part of our daily life entering into most of our domain of language use.

There is a distinct variety of English used in the cyber world or so to says SMS. It has become an unavoidable part of code-mixing and switching.
People have started to feel that it is a Herculean task to survive Sans English. One can hate English but one cannot ignore English from Science and technology to our daily affairs.

This language has got a pilot seat. That day is not far when English will be our daily affair.

14. Give a brief description of the modern age in English literature.

Ans:- The modern age in English literature started from the beginning of the 20th century (1900 – 1960). The impact of scientific thought was mainly responsible for the attitude of interrogation and the disintegration of old values.

 In an age of mass education, the novelists began to appeal to the masses. Several Writers begin to voice these ideas in their writings.
One great disadvantage under which the modern writer’s labor is that there is no common ground on which the writers and their readers meet.

The novel is full of adventures and experiments peculiar to the modern age. The modern novel is psychological. It deals with the relation between loneliness and love.

15. Write the names of English writers (Poet, Dramatist or Novelist) and their one important composition.


 POET                     THEIR COMPOSITION 
Chaucer                  The Center Bury tales
Langland                 Piers Plowman
John Dryden           Absalom and Achitophel
Alexander Pope      The Rape of the Lock
John Keats              Hyperion
Lord Tennyson        In Memoriam



Oliver Goldsmith,       She Stoops to Conquer
Congreave                    The way of the world
Sheridan                       The Rivals 


Daniel Defoe                  Robinson Crusoe
John Bunyan                 The Pilgrim’s Progress
Richardson                    Pamela
Emily Blunt                   Wuthering Heights
Thomas Hardy              The Mayor of Casterbridge
Ernest Hemingway        The Old Man and The Sea
Henry James                  The Portrait of a Lady

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