Story of English: Objectives Bihar Board Class 12th 2021


Story of English: Objectives Bihar Board Class 12th 2021

Story of English: Objectives

1. The English language is much younger than ……………

  • Latin
  • Greek
  • Persian
  • All of these
Answer:- All of these
2. The Anglo-Saxons invaded England in the …………..
  • fifth century
  • sixth century
  • seventh century
  • None of these
Answer:- fifth century
3. The English language of today reflects ……………. centuries of political and social developments.
  • fourth
  • fifth
  • sixth
  • seventh
Answer:- fifth
4. Who were called together the Anglo-Saxons?
  • Angles
  • Saxons
  • Jute
  • All of these
Answer:- All of these
5. ……………. gave England its name and language.
  • Indians
  • Anglo-Saxons
  • Romans
  • None of these
Answer:- Anglo-Saxons
6. Old English covers …………..
  • AD449-AD1066
  • AD1067-AD1099
  • AD1100-AD1149
  • AD1150-AD1500
Answer:-  AD449-AD1066
7. Middle English covers ……………
  • AD1150-AD1500
  • AD1100-AD1149
  • AD1067-AD1099
  • AD449-AD1066
Answer:- AD1150-AD1500
8. English used since AD 1500 till now is called ……………[2019]
  • Old
  • Middle
  • Modern
  • None of these
Answer:- Modern
9. The history of the English language is just about …………….. years old.
  • 1500
  • 1600
  • 1700
  • None of these
Answer:- 1500
10. In England, the printing press was invented in …………….
  • 1475
  • 1476
  • 1477
  • 1478
Answer:- 1476
11. In the old English period, the two major influences were ……………..
  • Latin and French
  • Latin and Greek
  • Latin and Scandinavian
  • Latin and Indian
Answer:- Latin and Scandinavian
12. The gold period of old English literature was the era of …………….
  • King Alfred
  • King Richard – II
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • None of these
Answer:- King Alfred
13. The year AD 1066 is taken to be the end of the …………….. period.[2018]
  • Middle English
  • Old English
  • Modern English
  • None of these
Answer:- Old English
14. About …………….. Christianity began to spread in England.
  • AD400
  • AD500
  • AD600
  • AD700
Answer:- AD600 
15. The first phase of Middle English literature covers the period …………….
  • AD950-AD1350
  • AD1050-AD1215
  • AD1150-AD1215
  • None of these
Answer:- AD1150-AD1215

The Artist -Shiga Naoya

16. The second phase of Middle English literature covers the period ……………..
  • AD950-AD1350
  • AD1050-AD1215
  • AD1150-AD1350
  • AD1250-AD1350
Answer:- AD 1250-AD1350
17. Chancer, Gower, Langland, and Wyclif are important writers of the …………….. period.
  • Old English
  • Middle English
  • Modern English
  • None of these
Answer:- Middle English
18. Modern English begins from …………….
  • AD1300
  • AD1400
  • AD1500
  • AD1600
Answer:- AD1500
19. The printing technology was introduced in England in …………….
  • 1466
  • 1476
  • 1486
  • 1496
Answer:- 1476
20. The name ‘Augustan’ was given to the early …………… century.[2018]
  • 17th
  • 18th
  • 19th
  • 20th
Answer:- 18th
21. …………… was also known as the Augustan age.
  • 16th century
  • 17th century
  • 18th century
  • 19th century
Answer:- 18th century
22. The British Grammar was written by J. Buchanan in ………………
  • 1760
  • 1762
  • 1764
  • 1766
Answer:- 1762
23. The English from the 15th century till now is called ………………. English.
  • Modern
  • Middle
  • Old
  • None of these
Answer:- Modern
24. …………… has the largest number of native speakers.
  • Hindi
  • Urdu
  • English
  • Chinese
Answer:- English
25. ……………… has the largest number of native speakers.
  • English
  • Chinese
  • Hindi
  • Urdu
Answer:- Chinese
26. In the UK, the USA, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Newzealand, and South Africa, English is spoken as a ……………
  • foreign language
  • second language
  • mother-tongue
  • None of these
Answer:- mother-tongue
27. In India, Singapore, Malaysia, Nigeria, Namibia, Botswana, etc. English is spoken as a ……………
  • second language
  • mother-tongue
  • foreign language
  • None of these
Answer:- second language
28. English is also used as a ……………… by the Anglo Indian community of India.
  • foreign language
  • mother-tongue
  • second language
  • None of these
Answer:- mother-tongue
29. In China, Japan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Eritrea, France, Germany, Switzerland, Mexico, Brazil, etc., English is spoken as a …………….
  • mother-tongue
  • second language
  • foreign language
  • None of these
Answer:- foreign language
30. English developed from the speech of the …………..
  • Anglo-Indian
  • Anglo-Saxon
  • Anglo-American
  • None of these
Answer:- Anglo-Saxon

Indian Civilization and Culture -Mahatma Gandhi

31. Standard British speech is known as ………………
  • RP
  • AP
  • IP
  • None of these
Answer:- RP
32. American English differs from British English in the sphere of ……………..
  • spelling
  • vocabulary
  • grammar
  • All of these
Answer:- All of these
33. About …………… years ago, Latin was a world language.
  • 600
  • 700
  • 800
  • 900
Answer:- 800
34. In the last few decades of the ……………. century, the English language has been rapid changes.
  • 17th
  • 18th
  • 19th
  • 20th
Answer:- 20th
35. During the ……………. century, an intellectual movement swept in Europe.
  • 14th
  • 15th
  • 16th
  • 17th
Answer:- 15th
36. In his poetic words, a chancer did not use the ……………..
  • the old English
  • the Middle English
  • Modern English
  • None of these
Answer:- the old English
37. ‘The Canterbury Tales’ was written by …………….
  • Langland
  • Chancer
  • Yeats
  • None of these
Answer:- Chancer
38.  ‘Paradise Regained’ was written by …………….
  • Shakespeare
  • Keats
  • Milton
  • None of these
Answer:- Milton
39. ‘Paradise Lost’ was written by ……………
  • Milton
  • Spenser
  • Dickens
  • None of these
Answer:- Milton
40. ‘The Rope of the Lock’ was written by …………….
  • Shelly
  • Alexander Pope
  • Keats
  • None of these
Answer:- Alexander Pope
41. ‘Hydibras’ was written by …………….
  • Dryden
  • Butler
  • George Herbert
  • None of these
Answer:- Butler
42. ‘Fairy queen’ was written by …………….
  • Tennyson
  • Spenser
  • Arnold
  • None of these
Answer:- Spenser
43. ‘Mac Flecknoe’ was written by ……………..
  • Dryden
  • John Donne
  • George Herbert
  • None of these
Answer:- Dryden
44. ‘Dr. Faustus’ was written by …………….
  • Shakespeare
  • Keats
  • Christopher Marlowe
  • None of these
Answer:- Christopher Marlowe
45. ‘Edward-II’ was written by ……………..
  • Marlowe
  • Spenser
  • Milton
  • None of these
Answer:- Marlowe

A Child is Born -Germaine Greer

46. ‘Venus and Adonis’ was written by ………………
  • Keats
  • Shakespeare
  • Milton
  • None of these
Answer:- Shakespeare
47. Wordsworth was a ……………..
  • novelist
  • dramatist
  • poet
  • None of these
Answer:- poet
48. ‘Hamlet’ is a …………….
  • tragedy
  • comedy
  • poet
  • None of these
Answer:- tragedy
49. ‘Kind Lear’ is a ………………
  • comedy
  • drama
  • poetry
  • None of these
Answer:- drama
50. ‘Piers the Plowman’ is written by ……………..
  • Spenser
  • Milton
  • Langland
  • Congreve
Answer:- Langland
51. ‘Othello’, ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, and ‘King Lear’ were written by ……………
  • Langland
  • Marlowe
  • Shakespeare
  • Spenser
Answer:- Shakespeare
52. ‘Vision of Judgement’ was written by ……………
  • Shelly
  • John Keats
  • Lord Byron
  • None of these
Answer:- Lord Byron
53. ‘Revolt of Islam’ was written by ………………
  • Lord Byron
  • Shelly
  • John Keats
  • None of these
Answer:- Shelly
54. ‘The Scholar Gipsy’ has been written by …………..[2018]
  • Matthew Arnold
  • W.B. Yeats
  • Robert Bridges
  • J.M. Synge
Answer:- Matthew Arnold
55. ‘Sohrab and Rustan’ has been written by ……………
  • W.B. Yeats
  • Robert Bridge
  • J.M. Synge
  • Matthew Arnold
Answer:- Matthew Arnold
56. ‘The Gitanjali’ has been written by …………….
  • Sarojini Naidu
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • Aurobindo Ghosh
  • None of these
Answer:- Rabindranath Tagore
57. ‘The Savitri’ has been written by ……………..[2019]
  • Aurobindo Ghosh
  • Sarojini Naidu
  • Rabindranath Tagore
  • None of these
Answer:- Aurobindo Ghosh
58. The word drama comes from a …………… word.[2018]
  • Latin
  • Scandinavian
  • Greek
  • American
Answer:- Greek
59. The tragedy ends with ……………..
  • happiness
  • sorrow
  • both
  • None of these
Answer:- sorrow
60. Comedy eds with ………………
  • sorrow
  • happiness
  • both
  • None of these
Answer:- happiness

A Marriage Proposal – Anton Chekhov

61. For a drama exposition is ……………..
  • evil
  • futile
  • essential
  • None of these
Answer:- essential
62. Morality plays developed in ……………..
  • Ancient days
  • Middle ages
  • Modern ages
  • None of these
Answer:- Middle ages
63. The first English tragedy was ……………….
  • Dr. Faustus
  • Julius Caesar
  • Gorboduc
  • King Lear
Answer:- Gorboduc
64. ‘Othello’ is a …………….
  • comedy
  • tragedy
  • novel
  • story
Answer:- tragedy
65. ‘Murder in the cathedral’ was written by …………….
  • T.S. Eliot
  • Shakespeare
  • Marlowe
  • None of these
Answer:- T.S. Eliot
66. …………….. is called the father of the modern novel.[2018]
  • Richardson
  • Fielding
  • Johnson
  • Dryden
Answer:- Richardson
67. ‘Pamela’ was written by …………….
  • Defoe
  • Richardson
  • Jane Austen
  • None of these
Answer:- Richardson
68. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was written by ……………..
  • Goldsmith
  • Fielding
  • Jane Austen
  • None of these
Answer:- Jane Austen
69. ‘David Copperfield’ was written by ……………..
  • Fielding
  • George Eliot
  • Dickens
  • None of these
Answer:- Dickens
70. ‘Pick Wick papers were written by …………….
  • Scott
  • Dickens
  • Thackeray
  • None of these
Answer:- Dickens
71. ‘Untouchable’ and ‘Coolie’ was written by ……………[2019]
  • Kiran Desai
  • Anita Desai
  • Raja Rao
  • Mulk Raj Anand
Answer:- Mulk Raj Anand
72. ‘Serpent and the Rope’ was written by ……………..
  • Mulk Raj Anand
  • Kamala Das
  • Raja Rao
  • R. Narayan
Answer:- Raja Rao
73. ‘The God of small things’ is written by …………….[2018]
  • Anita Desai
  • Kamala Das
  • Joru Dutt
  • Arundhati Roy
Answer:- Arundhati Roy
74. ‘Train to Pakistan’ is written by……………..
  • Mabohar Malgaonka
  • Khushwant Singh
  • Anita Desai
  • R.K. Narayan
Answer:- Khushwant Singh
75. ‘A Bend in the Ganga’ is written by ……………..
  • Khushwant Singh
  • Anita Desai
  • Manohar Malgaonkar
  • Joru Dutt
Answer:- Manohar Malgaonkar

The Soldier -Rupert Brooke

76. ‘Arms and the man’ is written by ……………
  • Shakespeare
  • G.B. Shaw
  • Dickens
  • T.S. Eliot
Answer:- G.B. Shaw
77. The development of ……………. was helped by the introduction of printing technology.[2019]
  • Middle English
  • Modern English
  • Old English
  • None of these
Answer:- Modern English
78. ‘Tughlaq’ is written by ……………..[2019]
  • Girish Karnad
  • R.N. Tagore
  • B.C. Chattopadhyay
  • S.C. Chatterjee
Answer:- Girish Karnad
79. The major linguistic change is known as …………….[2019]
  • Modern English
  • Old English
  • The Great Vowel Shift
  • Printing technology
Answer:- The Great Vowel Shift
80. The word ‘drama’ comes from a …………….. word.[2019]
  • Latin
  • India
  • Scandinavian
  • Greek
Answer:- Greek
81. The ‘Romantic Revival’ is often associated with:[2019]
  • John Dryden
  • Alexander Pope
  • William Wordsworth
  • John Milton
Answer:- William Wordsworth
82. The English language is ………………. than Sanskrit and Persian.[2019]
  • older
  • younger
  • classical
  • None of these
Answer:- younger
83. ‘Macbeth’ and ‘Julius Caesar’ are written by …………….[2019]
  • Johnson
  • Goldsmith
  • Shakespeare
  • Sheridan
Answer:- Middle English
84. New varieties of English that have emerged in different parts of the world is called …………….[2019]
  • second language
  • New English
  • American English
  • None of these
Answer:- New English
85. The Great Vowel Shift took place during ………………[2019]
  • Modern English
  • Middle English
  • Old English
  • British English
Answer:- Middle English
86. English is used in China as a ……………. language.[2018]
  • second
  • first
  • foreign
  • third
Answer:- foreign
87. mark Twain and Henry James are …………… novelists.[2018]
  • Indian
  • British
  • Australian
  • American
Answer:- American
88. Middle English had ……………. dialects.[2018]
  • two
  • six
  • five
  • three
Answer:- five
89. ……………… helped in simplifying English.[2018]
  • Bible
  • Quran
  • Mahabharata
  • Ramayana
Answer:- Bible

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