12th English 50 Marks: Robin by Jim Corbett Bihar Board – Spark Easy Education

  Summary of Robin Jim Corbett is renowned for his writing on hunting and wild life. His description of hunting comes alive to the readers. His stories and essays on wild life are highly delightful and readable. In the story ‘Robin’ he has narrated how he succeeded in killing a ferocious leopard with the help … Read more

Robert Lynd: Forgetting Class 12 Summary, Objectives and Q&A – Spark Easy Education

Summary of Forgetting Forgettingis a remarkable personal essay by the famous British writer, Robert Lynd. His essay written in a polished style, are always witty and humorous. In the present essay, he has analysed the reasons behind forgetting, a habit common to all. The writer points out that a man generally remembers almost everything that … Read more