Macavity: The Mystery Cat by T. S. Eliot: Summary and QnA | SparkEasy

  Macavity: The Mystery Cat: Summary ‘Macavity: The Mystery Cat‘ is a humorous poem written by ‘T. S. Eliot‘. In this poem, the poet describes the mischiefs of a mysterious cat name Macavity. According to the poet, Macavity is a mysterious cat, because it commits various kinds of crimes, but it is never nabbed by … Read more

The Soldier by Rupert Brooke: Summary and QnA Bihar Board

  The Soldier by Rupert Brooke: Summary ‘The Soldier‘ is a war poem written by Rupert Brooke. This poem is a Sonnet. In this poem, the poet describes his feelings of love for his country. The poet is himself a soldier and he has gone to fight in another country for his country. According to him, … Read more

An Epitaph Summary and QnA – Walter De la Mare English 100 Marks

  An Epitaph Summary – Walter De la Mare ‘An Epitaph‘ is a short poem composed by Walter de la Mare. In this poem, the poet deals with the transitoriness of human life and human relationships. Here, the poet expresses his bad feelings for a very beautiful lady who has died. She was the most … Read more

Ode To Autumn by John Keats: Summary Bihar Board Class 12th

  Summary – Ode To Autumn ‘Ode To Autumn‘ is a very nice poem composed by John Keats. The poet was a great lover of Nature. In this poem, the poet describes the beauty and music of autumn in a series of memorable pictures. Here, the poet exhibits the principles of beauty in nature. He … Read more

Now the Leaves are Falling Fast: Summary W.H. Auden

  Now the Leaves are Falling Fast: Summary ‘Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast’ is a very fine poem written by W.H. Auden. In this poem, the poet describes the frustration that is naturally present in human life. Here, the poet says that now the leaves are falling fast. It means all human beings are … Read more

Song of Myself Summary by Walt Whitman and QnA | SparkEasy

  Song of Myself: Summary ‘Song of Myself‘ is a very nice poem written by Walt Whitman. In this poem, the poet talks about himself. He enjoys himself and sings for the self.   According to the poet, every atom belongs to him belongs to every human being. The two human beings are made of … Read more

Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe by John Donne : Summary and QnA

    Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe: Summary   ‘Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe‘ is a love poem written by “John Donne“. In this poem, the poet describes the importance of true love in human life. The poet is going away from his beloved. She becomes very sad. The poet consoles his beloved … Read more