Bihar Board Class 12th English 100 Marks: Writing and Comprehension

Bihar Board Class 12th English 100 Marks: Writing and Comprehension

Writing and Comprehension




Ashoka was one of the greatest emperors of the world. He was the king of Magadha. He fought several battles and got numerous victories. Once he attacked Kalinga. Thousands of innocent people were killed. A lot of human blood was shed.


The horrible sights of blood and violence pricked, the conscience of Ashoka. He bade goodbye to wars and battles. He adopted Buddhism. He sent his sons and daughter to different countries to spread Buddhism.


(i) Who was Ashoka? 

(ii) In which battle was killed thousands of people?

(iii) Why did Ashoka adopt Buddhism? What changed his heart?


(i) Ashoka was the king of Magadha.

(ii) Thousands of people were killed in the battle for Kalinga.

(iii) The horrible killing of innocent people changed the heart of Ashoka during the Kalinga battle. He adopted Buddhism which is based on non-violence and love.


Precise Writing

English is no longer being taught intensively in the schools in India as it raised to be. Since Independence, Hindi has been introduced as a compulsory subject in the lower classes.

And the teaching of English is begun later with the result that students come up to the university with an inefficient grounding in English.
Many of the great numbers of failures in the examination are due to this cause. Hence, parents are more anxious than ever to get their children into the few schools where English is still well taught.

They have no doubts about what they considered desirable. English they argue is a necessary world language for India. It is the key to Western science, political thought, and international fellowship.



Title – Love of English among Indians

English is not a compulsory subject at a primary level in Indian schools. It has been replaced by Hindi but English is still regarded as a world language. Therefore the parents send their children to English medium school because it is the key to Western science and knowledge.

[Total words = 130Precise words = 47]


Paragraph Writing

1. A Rickshaw-Puller

The life of a rickshaw puller is very hard. His life is in fact, very miserable. He lives by the sweat of his brow and pulls men, women, and children’s. He perspires from head to foot.

It is very painful to look at him. A rickshaw puller hardly gets as much as he deserves. People try to give him as little as possible. He has to work from morning till night.

Even then, he gets very little to eat. He is in rags. It is said that even in this age of science, men have to work like beasts of burden to earn.


2. An Indian Farmer

The life of an Indian farmer is very hard. He has to work hard in his fields. He has to work in the sun and rain. He has to plow his fields and has to water them.

Then, he has to sow seeds in his fields and to look after his crops day and night. Harvesting is also no easy job. It is very difficult and tiring. Even after so much labor, the Indian farmer remains poor.

He has to live from hand to mouth. He is a lot of pitiable. But though he is poor, he lives happily and simple in his habits. He is pure in his thoughts and lives away from the evils of city life.


3. A little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

We must prepare well before we start doing anything. The preparation means to learn about the job. Otherwise, we are likely to spoil it.

For example, a doctor must have full knowledge of the disease and medicine. Otherwise, he should not be able to cure a patient. In that case, instead of curing, his treatment will be fatal to a patient.

In the same way, a teacher has little knowledge. Then, the student will never be able to follow him. In fact, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


Letter Writing


1. Write a letter to your friend describing the village market.

12th February,2021

Dear Rahul,

         After a pretty long time, I received your letter yesterday. In your letter, you have enquired about ‘a village market’. I am glad that you wanted to know about the market in a village.

Well, I am describing a village market in this letter. A village market is a place where people gather to buy and sell things. People from nearby villages also visit this market. There are a few permanent shops in the market.
But we find a good number of temporary shops there. Most of the shopkeepers keep their articles like grains, vegetables, fish, cloth, utensils, sweets, agriculture implements, stationery, etc; to sell them. There is a lot of noise in the village market.

A person who visits the market for the first time may be easily cheated. Though the market is full of noise, dust, and disorder, it is very useful to villagers. I would be glad if you will personally come here to visit the market.

With many happy wishes

Address:                                                                                                            Yours sincerely
Chhapra,                                                                                                             Prince Pandey



Bihar Board Class 12th English 100 Marks: Writing and Comprehension


2. Write a letter to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy books.


20th February 2021

Respected Father,

I got your kind letter. I am very glad to go through it. Father, my classes are going on. I have to buy some books. So, I need some money. Please send me Rs.700 as soon as possible.

Please convey my love to my mother. Ask her to write more and more letters.

With warm regards,

Motihari,                                                                                                                Your loving son 
Bihar                                                                                                                       Rohit Raj



Bihar Board Class 12th English 100 Marks: Writing and Comprehension

Application Writing


Write an application to the headmaster to issue the Transfer Certificate.

The headmaster,
Patna High School, Patna
Sub – Regarding issue the Transfer Certificate

Most respectfully I beg to say that my father has been transferred to Munger, so it has become impossible for me to continue my studies in this school.

I, therefore, request the favor of your kindness to transfer certificate. So that I may be admitted to the Munger High School, Munger.

With warm regards,
Your obedient student
Tuntun Kumar
Class – VII
Roll no. – 35
Date: 7th June 2021


Bihar Board Class 12th English 100 Marks: Writing and Comprehension

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