The Earth by H.E. Bates English 100 Marks Bihar Board Class 12th Summary and QnA


The Earth by H.E. Bates English 100 Marks Bihar Board Class 12th Summary and QnA

Summary – The Earth by H.E. Bates

The Earth is a short and interesting story written by H. E. Bates. In this story, the writer describes the laziness of the parents and the selfishness of their simple minded son who drives them away from their home.

In this story, Johnson was a tenant farmer. He was kind hearted person, but he was very lazy. He did not work hard. He believed more in luck than work. He had no land of his own. He had rented it from Sanders. And he had a simple minded son named Benjy. He was worried about his son.

On the advice of doctor, Johnson built a wire coop in a corner of his farm and gave him some hens to keep engaged in work. Benjy took interest in keeping hens and knew all the tricks of the trade. Johnson also opened a passbook for him to keep his money.

Benjy’s parents had saved a lot of money for him. When they gave him the passbook, he did not say a word of gratitude. He opened the passbook look at the amount and put it in his pocket. Benjy’s parents did not feel good when he silently put the passbook in his pocket.

When Benjy knew the trick of the trade, he begin to earn money. Benjy deposited a lot of money in his account. When he started earning money, he forgot his parents. He purchased the land from Sanders that his father had rented.

When he was about 40, he married Florence against the wishes of his parents. Florence was one of Benjy’s employees.

Gradually, Benjy became indifferent to his parents. He did not treat his parents well. He became so cruel that he drove them out of his home.

Thus, in this story we find that a selfish and cunning son deceived his parents and too much trust became the reason of the tragedy of the parents.


1. H.E. Bates belonged to …………
  • France
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Britain
Answer:- Britain
2. The Earth is written by ………….
  • Pearl S Buck
  • H.E. Bates
  • Dr. Zakir Hussain
  • Mahatma Gandhi
Answer:- H.E. Bates
3. Johnson was a poor …………
  • teacher
  • doctor
  • carpenter
  • farmer
Answer:- farmer
4. Benjy parents did not like ……….. because of grey eyes.
  • Mary
  • Rekha
  • Florence
  • Shikha
Answer:- Florence
5. Who was a bony brown mare?
  • Johnson
  • Ralson
  • Simpson
  • Ajeet
Answer:- Johnson
6. Who was not right in his head?
  • Sanjay
  • Benjy
  • Ranjay
  • Manjay
Answer:- Benjy
7. Who said, You are people on the land.
  • The doctor
  • The taecher
  • The preecher
  • The adviser
Answer:- The doctor
8. How many hens at first kept by Benjy?
  • ten or a dozen hen
  • twenty
  • thirty
  • forty
Answer:- ten or a dozen hen
9. …………. had in his possession a plough, a cart, tools, and a bony brown mare.
  • Ralson
  • Simpson
  • Johnson
  • Ajeet
Answer:- Johnson
10. Florence later on became the wife of ………..
  • Ranjay
  • Manjay
  • Sanjay
  • Benjy
Answer:- Benjy
11. Benjy left school at the age of …………
  • twelve
  • thirteen
  • fourteen
  • fifteen
Answer:- fourteen
12. Benjy was the son of ……….
  • Johnson
  • John
  • George
  • Charles
Answer:- Johnson
13. …………. was the real owner of the land.
  • Landers
  • Sanders
  • Randers
  • Manders
Answer:- Sanders
14. The bank will give interest on it, when Benjy is ………..
  • 19
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
Answer:- 21

How Free is the Press – Dorothy L.Sayers

15. For many years Benjy’s father had been a local …………
  • teacher
  • farmer
  • preacher
  • doctor
Answer:- farmer
16. Benjy’s parents gave him a passbook when he was ………… years old.
  • 20
  • 21
  • 22
  • 23
Answer:- 21
17. Johnson was in the possession of ………….
  • two acre
  • three acre
  • four acre
  • five acre
Answer:- four acre
18. …………. is about a farmer Johnson and his son Benjy.
  • The Earth
  • The Artist
  • A child is Born
  • A inch of Snuff

Answer:- The Earth

19. What did the doctor advise the Johnson’s couple for the mental growth or development of the mind of their only son?

  • To marry him
  • Seek some treatment
  • Give some occupation
  • Send to study

Answer:- Give some occupation

20. Benjy had understood that the hens exists for die purpose of ………..
  • Playing
  • Laying eggs
  • Eaten up
  • Selling

Answer:- Laying eggs

21. When Benjy possessed a passbook from his parents, his passbook had low much amount?
  • More than 00 pounds
  • More than 200 pounds
  • More than 220 pounds
  • More than 230 pounds

Answer:- More than 230 pounds

22. Benjy married Florence at the age of ………..
  • 30
  • 35
  • 40
  • 28

Answer:- 40

23. H.E. Bates was born in ………….
  • 1905
  • 1805
  • 1908
  • 1810

Answer:- 1905

24. H.E. Bates died in the year ………..
  • 1984
  • 1974
  • 1965
  • 1898
Answer:- 1974
25. His hens were producing an average of …………..
  • three hundred eggs
  • two hundred eggs
  • one hundred eggs
  • None of these

Answer:- two hundred eggs

26. “The Earth’ is a …………
  • poem
  • essay
  • drama
  • story

Answer:- story

27. Benjy told his parents to eat in the …………….
  • drawing room
  • bathroom
  • bedroom
  • kitchen

Answer:- kitchen

28. All the time Benjy wore the ……….. smile.
  • cunning
  • simple
  • sweet
  • familiar

Answer:- simple


1. How did Benjy look like?
Ans:- Benjy looked like a simple-hearted man. His eyes were flue and throughout the day, he had a simple smile on his face. He also had thick soft hair.
2. Why did Benjy want to marry Florence?
Ans:- Benjy wanted to marry Florence because he was attracted towards her. Moreover, he did not want a very intelligent woman but a woman who would help him in his business.
3. Justify the title ‘The Earth’.
Ans:- The title of the story is justified in the sense that the Johnsons who brought up their son by working hard on the land they rented from Sanders. It was then purchased by their own son. But the son drove them out from the same land.
4. What does the story ‘The Earth’ depict?
Ans:- The story depicts the laziness of the parents and the growing selfishness and cunningness of their simple minded son who drives them away from their home.
5. Give a character sketch of Jhonson.
Ans:- Jhonson was a poor farmer. He had taken some land from a man called Sanders on annual rent. He was not hard working. He put more faith in luck than in work.
He believed that God created earth and he would take care of it. Therefore, he did not save any money for old age. He has given all to his only son, Benjy. On the other, Benjy proved ungreatful and drove him out of his own home.
6. What was Johnson advised by the doctors to ensure the mental growth of Benjy?
Ans:- The doctor advised them to create interests in Benjy. For this, the doctor suggested that Benjy should be allowed to keep hens.

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