Snake: by D. H. Lawrence Summary and QnA Bihar Board


Snake: by D. H. Lawrence Summary and QnA Bihar Board

Snake: Summary

The poem ‘Snake’ has been written by an eminent English poet D.H. Lawrence. In this poem, the poet describes the activities of a snake who looks so innocent.

The poet says that one night he felt thirsty, came out to drink water. But, as soon as he came out, he saw a black cobra, which also came to drink water.

The snake was looking good, silent, and peaceful. It came out from a carob tree to drink water. It was moving towards the tap to drink water. To see its politeness the poet did not fear at all and he began to watch its movement.
His worldly education told him that it was a poisonous snake and he must kill it. But, he is fascinated by its beauty and stood silently. He did not want to kill it.

After some time he became afraid of the snake and decided to hit it and hit the snake with a stick when it was moving into a hole after quenching its thirst. But, anyhow it entered the hole and the poet began to regret after hitting the innocent snake.

Thus, the poet has commented on modern men and their ideologies. He asserts us to love all the creatures of the world made by God.


1. D. H. Lawrence belonged to …………….
  • France
  • America
  • Britain
  • None of these
Answer:- Britain
2. He lifted his head from his drinking, as cattle do! is taken from the poem …………..
  • Fire Hymn
  • Snake
  • To Autumn
  • None of these
Answer:- snake
3. Snake is written by ……………
  • D. H. Lawrence
  • John Donne
  • Kamala Das
  • Walt Whitman
Answer:- D. H. Lawrence
4. The poet had gone to the water trough to drink water ……………
  • tea
  • water
  • coffee
  • cigarette
Answer:- water
5. Etana is in ……………
  • Sicily
  • Rome
  • Athens
  • Paris
Answer:- Sicily
6. A snake appears on a trough of the ……………. to sip water.
  • teacher
  • doctor
  • lawyer
  • poet
Answer:- poet
7. A ……………. is mentioned in the poem Snake.
  • Peepal tree
  • Carbo tree
  • Banyan
  • Mango
Answer:- Carbo tree
8. D. H. Lawrence exalts the values of primitive life in ……………..
  • Fire Hymn
  • Song of Myself
  • Snake
  • None of these
Answer:- Snake
9. Who decided to hit the snake?
  • D. H. Lawrence
  • T. S. Eliot
  • Keki N. Daruwala
  • None of these
Answer:- D. H. Lawrence
10. It was a …………….. day when the poet saw a snake.
  • hot
  • cold
  • humid
  • None of these
Answer:- hot
11. The poet had a ………….. to fill with.
  • bucket
  • pitcher
  • mug
  • None of these
Answer:- pitcher
12. The speaker(poet) considered himself a ……………. comer.
  • first
  • second
  • third
  • None of these
Answer:- second

Fire-Hymn – Keki N. Daruwala

13. The poet was wearing ……………..
  • Pant
  • Lungi
  • Underwear
  • Pyjama
Answer:- Pyjama
14. The snake looked at the poet …………….[2018]
  • happily
  • sadly
  • confusingly
  • vaguely
Answer:- confusingly

15. D. H. Lawrence was born in …………..

  • 1868
  • 1858
  • 1885
  • 1895
Answer:- 1885
16. D. H. Lawrence died in …………..
  • 1920
  • 1910
  • 1940
  • 1930

Answer:- 1930

17. The speaker confesses that he …………..
  • Hated the snake
  • Liked the snake
  • Feared the snake
  • Killed the snake

Answer:- Liked the snake

18. The color of the snake in the poem is …………….
  • Yellow-black
  • Golden
  • Black
  • Blue

Answer:- Black

19. The phrase ‘a king of exile’ in the poem ‘Snake’ stands for …………..
  • the rat
  • the elephant
  • the snake
  • the lion

Answer:- the snake

20. After hitting the snake with a log the speaker of the Poem ‘Snake’ wants to ………………
  • enjoy
  • expiate
  • celebrate
  • None of these

Answer:- expiate

21. In ……….. according to the poem ‘Snake’ black snakes are considered innocent.
  • England
  • Sicily
  • France
  • Italy

Answer:- Sicily

22. The speaker in the poem ‘Snake’ hits the snake with …………..
  • a hunter
  • a log
  • a rod
  • None of these

Answer:- a log

23. The speaker of the poem ‘Snake’ compares the snake with the sea – albatross of ……………
  • The Ancient Mariner
  • ‘Eve of St. Agnes’
  • ‘The Scholar Gipsy
  • ‘Lycidas’

Answer:-  The Ancient Mariner


1. Why did the poet feel honored?

Ans:- The poet D. H. Lawrence in the poem Snake felt honored because the snake visited his trough. Taking it to be a unique creation of God, he felt that God himself came up to his trough to bless him.

2. Why did the poet decide to wait?

Ans:- The poet decided to wait because he did not want to disturb the snake. In fact, the poet was fascinated by this beautiful creation and was thankful to God for letting him see this wonderful creation.

3. What did the voice of education tell the poet?

Ans:- The voice of education told him to kill the snake but his instinct prevented him from doing so. He cursed his education when he threw a log at the water trough. Which made the snake convulse while entering the hole.

4. What is the meaning of Silicon July, with Etna smoking?

Ans:- It means extreme heat like the one caused when Etna erupted. The day the poet made the snake was very hot.

5. How did the snake drink water?

Ans:- At first the snake rested its throat upon the stone bottom. And then it shipped water with its straight mouth gums where the water had dripped from the tap.

6. Why and how did the snake come out of its hole?[2018]

Ans:- It was a hot day. The snake was thirsty. So, it came out of the hole near the trough to drink water. It came there trailing his yellow-brown, slack and soft belly down over the edge of the stone trough.

7. Who was the second comer? What did he do?

Ans:- It was the poet who was the second comer. So, he waited and let the snake drink water first.

8. What is the belief prevailing in Sicily about the snake?

Ans:- In Sicily, it is believed that a Black Snake is seen or found anywhere, must be killed.



1. ” The voice of my education said to me …………….. and finish him off”.

>>> These lines have been taken from the poem Snake by D. H. Lawrence, a great novelist, and poet of England. A snake on a hot day came to a water trough to drink water. The snake was looking very handsome and majestic.

The poet was attached to it and watched him drinking water. He is an educated and civilized person. As such, he must kill the snake but he was in confusion.

He does not know what to do and what not to do. Ultimately, he throws a log of wood to the snake but the snake disappears and the poet regrets his action.

2. And immediately I regretted it.
I thought how paltry, how vulgar, what a minute act.

>>> These lines have been taken from the poem Snake, written by D. H. Lawrence. When the poet come to know that he injured the snake. He immediately apologized for it and said to himself that he had done very meaningful work.

He becomes very sad about his act and thought that the education which was given to him was useless.

3. A snake came to my water-trough;
on a hot, hot day, and I in Pyjamas for the heat,
To drink there.

>>> These lines have been taken from the poem Snake, which is written by D. H. Lawrence. The poet tells us about the snake in the poem. He has a water trough in which a snake comes to drink water.

It is summer. Due to the heat of the summer, the poet has worn a Pajama. He has also gone to take water but the snake comes first. So, he allows it to drink first. He begins to see the snake attentively.

4. For he seemed to me again like a king.
Like a king in exile, uncrowned in the underworld,

    Now due to be crowned again.

>>> These lines have been taken from the poem Snake which is written by D. H. Lawrence. The poet says that the snake seems to him like a king.

The snake is like an exiled king. He is like an uncrowned king in the underworld. He deserves coronation and must be crowned because he deserves that crown.

5. I think it did not hit him,
But suddenly that part of him that was left behind
Convulsed in undignified haste.

>>> These lines have been taken from the poem Snake, written by D. H. Lawrence. The poet did not want to hit the snake.

He thought that he did not hit him. But when he was entering into the hole, his some parts remain outside the hole. And it seemed that he felt pain in them and hence, twisted them.

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