A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekhov: Summary and QnA


A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekhov: Summary and QnA

A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekhov: Summary

A Marriage Proposal‘ is a comedy written by Anton Chekhov. In this comedy, the writer describes how Lomov puts his marriage proposal before Natalia’s father Chooboookov.

There are mainly three characters who are Chooboookov, Natalia, and Lomov. Chooboookov is an old landlord. He has a daughter named Natalia, who is unmarried. Lomov is their neighbor and he is also a landlord. He wants to marry Natalia.
Lomov goes to the house of Chooboookov and talks about the marriage of Natalia. Chooboookov becomes very happy to know it. He assures Lomov that Natalia will gladly accept him.
Chooboookov goes in and sends Natalia to Lomov. When Natalia comes to Lomov, he becomes so nervous that he cannot say his proposal directly. In his nervousness, he talks about the ownership of the meadows.
They begin to quarrel at this point. They begin to shout. Chooboookov hears the quarreling and comes there. He supports Natalia. Lomov threatens to go to court for this and goes out.
When Lomov goes out, Chooboookov tells Natalia that he wants to marry her and he put his marriage proposal with her. Natalia becomes angry and asks him to bring Lomov back. She is eager to marry him and wants to accept him immediately.
Chooboookov goes to Lomov and comes back with him. When Lomov comes back, Natalia accepts that the meadows were his own. But, another dispute arises over the superiority of there dogs.
Chooboookov appears again and supports Lomov’s dog. At last, Natalia accepts his marriage proposal and they become for each other.
Thus, this comedy revolves around the two emotional characters. They want each other, but they begin to quarrel themselves without meaningful cause. At last, they accept each other.


1. A Marriage Proposal is written by ………..
  • Pearl S. Buck
  • Anton Chekhov
  • H.E. Bates
  • Dorothy L. Sayers
Answer:- Anton Chekhov
2. Natalia and …………. are quarreling for Ox Meadows.
  • Chooboookov
  • Nomov
  • Lomov
  • Romov
Answer:- Lomov
3. Whose father was a gambler?
  • Lomov
  • Somov
  • Romov
  • Nomov
Answer:- Lomov
4. Lomov bought his dog from Mironov for …………rubles.
  • a hundred and twenty-five
  • two hundred
  • three hundred
  • two hundred fifty
Answer:- a hundred and twenty-five
5. The dog (Leap) of Natalia was bought for ………….. rubles.
  • eighty-five
  • sixty-five
  • hundred
  • ninety
Answer:- eighty-five
6. …………. was a dramatist and short story writer of Russia.
  • Anton Chekhov
  • Shiga Naoya
  • Pearl S. Buck
  • Bertrand Russell
Answer:- Anton Chekhov
7. What is the area of the Ox Meadows?
  • forty acres
  • thirty acres
  • twenty acres
  • fifty acres
Answer:- forty acres
8. Who was the youngest aunt of Lomov?
  • Mastasia
  • Rastasia
  • Nastasia
  • Bistasia
Answer:- Nastasia
9. Lomov is a mean of ………….. temperament. [2018]
  • happy
  • negative
  • sad
  • nervous
Answer:- nervous
10. Lomov is a neighbor of …………..
  • Runokov
  • Monokov
  • Chooboookov
  • Denukov
Answer:- Chooboookov
11. ………….. is the daughter of Chooboookov.
  • Matalia
  • Natalia
  • Ratalia
  • Satalia
Answer:- Natalia

India Through Traveller’s Eye – Pearl S. Buck

12. Lomov has come to ask for his daughter ………….. hand in marriage.
  • Natalia’s
  • Katalia’s
  • Katalina’s
  • Ratalia’s
Answer:- Natalia’s
13. Lomov is …………. years old.
  • 32
  • 33
  • 34
  • 35
Answer:- 35
14. Anton Chekhov began his career by writing ……………
  • drama
  • poetry
  • comic sketches
  • novels

Answer:- comic sketches

15. How old is Natalia?

  • Twenty years
  • Twenty-one
  • Twenty-eight
  • Twenty-five

Answer:- Twenty-five

16. How did Chooboookov react when he comes to know that Lomov wants to marry Natalia?
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Angry
  • Thoughtful

Answer:- Happy

17. Anton Chekhov was born in …………
  • 1850
  • 1860
  • 1855
  • 1865

Answer:- 1860

18. When did Anton Chekhov die?
  • 1889
  • 1901
  • 1902
  • 1904
Answer:- 1904
19. Mr. Stepanovich Chooboookov is a ………….
  • Lawyer
  • Landowner
  • Writer
  • Poet
Answer:- Landowner
20. The name of Lomov’s dog is …………..
  • Leap
  • Guess
  • Tomy
  • None of these

Answer:- Guess

21. The peasants used the land for …………..
  • thirty years
  • fifty years
  • forty years
  • None of these

Answer:- forty years

22. Natalia’s dog is named ……………
  • Weep
  • Leap
  • Neap
  • Deep

Answer:- Leap


1. Why did Lomov want to get married?
Ans:- Lomov in ‘A marriage Proposal‘ wanted to get married because he was 35 years old. He wanted to lead a regular life as he was suffering due to a weak heart and insomnia. He wanted someone to take care of him.
2. Why do Natalia and Lomov have a verbal duel?
Ans:- Natalia does not agree that the Oxen Meadows do not belong to them while Lomov insists that the Oxen Meadows belong to his family. For this, they have a verbal duel trying to convince each other about their ownership.
3. What are the names of the dogs of Natalia and Lomov?
Ans:- Natalia’s dog is named Leap whereas the name of the dog of Lomov is Guess.
4. Who says, “I am having a heart failure”?
Ans:- It is Lomov who says that he is having a failure because he is a man of nervous temperament.
5. Who says that he will prove in the court that ox-Meadows belongs to him?
Ans:- It is Lomov who says that he will prove in the court that the Ox-Meadows belongs to him.
6. What are the two defects that Chooboookov finds in the dog of Lomov?
Ans:- To the mind of Chooboookov, Lomov’s dog has two defects-
(i) He is old.
(ii) His muzzle is too short.


1. “You two had better hurry up and get married – Have me in peace”.
>>> These lines have been spoken by Chooboookov, the father of Natalia in the story ‘A Marriage Proposal‘ by Anton Chekhov. Lomov, the friend of Chooboookov, loves his daughter. But he is not bold enough to put the proposal of marriage before her.
One day Lomov and Natalia begin to fight over the quality of their dogs. They started shouting, Chooboookov feigns that he has a heart attack. Both Natalia and Lomov get nervous and shocked. Then Chooboookov comes to his sense and asks them to marry as soon as possible for them.
2. “Stop Shouting! Please! You can shout your lungs out in your place, but I must ask you to control yourself here”.
>>> These lines have been taken from ‘A Marriage proposal‘ which is written by Anton Chekhov. Natalia and Lomov were quarreling over the ownership of the Ox Meadows. Natalia said that the ox Meadows belonged to her. Because her father was in the possession of them for many years.
But Lomov said that they were given to her father by his forefathers. So, they were his property. But Natalia chid Lomov and told him to control himself and not to cry over them.

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