Our own civilization summary, objectives & Question Answers

Our own civilization summary, objectives & Question Answers

Our Own Civilization Summary


Our Own civilization is written by C.E.M Joad (renowned writer and thinker of Modern times). This is a type of essay in which, he has talked about the contribution made by science to our civilization and life. He also tells us how we can make our life more secure, comfortable, and peaceful with careful use of science. 

He thinks that science has made our life more secure, comfortable, and convenient. Science has let our civilization spread to the masses from the confines of the classes. However too much dependent on machines and destructive use of science can make our survival on the earth impossible. Machines are good servants but bad masters. 
Science has made us the citizens of a global village. We get oranges from Brazil, dates from Africa, rice from India, and tea from China. Our civilization is more secure than the civilization of the past but we have a long march to complete. Freedom from wars, hunger, and disease is still to be achieved. 

We should learn to live and work together to make this world free from injustice, inequality, and uneven distribution of wealth and comforts.

Important Note:-

जहाँ तक मुझे पता है, सिर्फ इस summary को पढ़कर आपको बहुत ज्यादा तो समझ नहीं आया होगा | तो अगर आप इस चैप्टर को ढंग से समझना चाहते हैं, जिससे आपके objective और subjective दोनों complete हो सके | 


आप नीचें दिए गए विडियो को जरुर देखें | पहले आप उसको देखें फिर नीचें दिए गए objective और subjective questions को अपने नोटबुक में जरुर लिख लें |




Most Important Objective Questions – Our Own Civilization🔻

1. “Our own civilization” is written by…..

  • J.C. Hill
  • A.G. Gardner
  • C.E.M. Joad
  • Robert Lynd

 Answer:- C.E.M. Joad 


2. C.E.M. Joad was an inhabitant of 

  • Russia 
  • France
  • London 
  • Germany 

 Answer:- London 


3. ‘Machines have become inevitable’ can be inferred from the lesson

  • Our own civilization
  • Good Manners
  • Forgetting 
  • On Letter Writing

 Answer:- our own civilization 


4. Man has invented machines to save

  • Time and energy 
  • pleasure
  • Labour 
  • boredom 

 Answer:- Time and energy 


5. In disputes between man and man, the right has taken the place of 

  • flight
  • fight 
  • might 
  • night

 Answer:- might 


6. “The Iron curtain” is associated with 

  • Russia 
  • Brazil 
  • India 
  • China 

 Answer:- Russia 


7. What will be far from perfect until everyone gets his proper share of necessary and delightful things? 

  • civilization 
  • poverty 
  • development 
  • mankind 

 Answer:- civilization 


8. Europe and America have been symbolized with the epithet 

  • South Block 
  • Western Block 
  • Eastern Block 
  • Central Block 

 Answer:- Western Block 


9. Russia and the Nations of Eastern Europe were called 

  • Eastern Block 
  • Western Block 
  • North Block 
  • Central Block 

 Answer:- Eastern Block 


10. “The next world war will be fought with bows and arrows” is a statement taken from 

  • Our own civilization 
  • On letter writing 
  • Forgetting 
  • With the photographer

 Answer:- Our own civilization


11. The chief hope of the world in the future depends upon our ability to set up some form of- 

  • World government 
  • Prosperity 
  • Democracy 
  • State government 

 Answer:- World Government 


12. The coveted title of ‘Stern Master’ is bestowed to 

  • Machines 
  • Factory 
  • Industry 
  • None of these 

 Answer:- Machines 


13. Machines save our 

  • time 
  • money 
  • comforts 
  • None of these

 Answer:- time 


14. Modern civilization has been compared to 

  • oasis 
  • desert 
  • rituals 
  • savagery 

 Answer:- oasis 


15. The world has become a single whole, a unity due to 

  • communication 
  • wars 
  • revolutions 
  • religion

 Answer:- communication 


16. What is as necessary as to our civilization as the air 

  • mankind 
  • safety 
  • science 
  • environment 

 Answer:- Safety 


17. Illness is no longer a terrible thing due to the prevalence of 

  • Anesthetics 
  • surgery 
  • X-ray 
  • city-scan 

 Answer:- Anesthetics 


18. Nothing can be enjoyed in the absence of 

  • health 
  • good manners 
  • civilization
  • None of these 

 Answer:- civilization 


19. Men invented machines because… 

  • they were lazy 
  • men are smart 
  • they wanted to make life easier 
  • all of them wanted to destroy the world

 Answer:- they wanted to make life easier 


Most Important Subjective Questions – Our Own Civilization🔻

1. Show how a person relies on machinery in his daily life. Give four examples.

दिखाएं कि एक व्यक्ति अपने दैनिक जीवन में मशीनरी पर कैसे निर्भर करता है। चार उदाहरण दीजिए।

Ans:- Today is the world of scientific advancement(प्रगति). We have become almost dependent on various mechanical tools(यांत्रिक उपकरण)which cater (आवश्यकता अनुसार सेवा करना)to our day to day activities. 

These include right from morning alarm clocks to waking up ourselves, using safety razors to shave which blades are manufactured in a large unit of renowned(प्रसिद्ध)factories, which are run by electricity and gas. Apart from these items many other gadgets related to electronic and print media, lift, the textile industry, railway engines, CNG-operated buses, typewriters, and desktops to palmtops (mobile phones) have become a household thing. Without this, our life will become meaningless. 
If you want to lead a life of importance, then it has become an imperative(आवश्यक)to take the help of these gadgets and appliances which are of immense utility(अत्यधिक उपयोगी)to serve the society. 


2. Do men invent machines because they are lazy?

क्या पुरुष मशीनों का आविष्कार करते हैं क्योंकि वे आलसी हैं?

Ans:- No, man is not at all lazy, he is the most restless(बेचैन) and energetic of all living creatures. He cannot remain idle(सुस्त) or lazy. He is always thinking of creating something new which may make our life more comfortable(आरामदायक) and enjoyable. Rest and work go together in his life. 

He invented machines because doing the same things bore him. And they are not the things he really wants to do and so he gets the machine to do them for him in order that he may have time and energy for other things, for the things he really does want to do.


3. Why are order and safety necessary for civilization? [2018]

सभ्यता के लिए आदेश और सुरक्षा क्यों आवश्यक है?

Ans:- No civilization can develop in the atmosphere of chaos and anarchy(अराजकता,अव्यवस्था). Today, if I have a quarrel with another man. I do not get beaten merely(केवल)because I am physically weaker and he can knock me down. I go to law, and the law will decide as fairly as it can between the two of us. 

Moreover, the law protects me from robbery and violence. Nobody may come and break into my house, steal my goods, or run off with my children. Without safety, those higher activities of mankind which make up civilization could not go on. The inventor could not invent, the scientist could not find out or the artist could not make beautiful things. 
Hence, order and safety although they are not civilization, are the things without which civilization would be impossible. They are necessary to our civilization as the air we breathe is to us. 


4. What do you think this sentence means: “ Previous civilizations were specialized and limited.”

आपको क्या लगता है इस वाक्य का अर्थ है: “पिछली सभ्यताएँ विशिष्ट और सीमित थीं। “

Ans:- Previous civilizations were specialized and limited. Because they were like oases(मरुभूमि में जल) in a surrounding desert of savagery(अशिष्टता). Sooner or later, the desert closed in and the oasis was no more. It means a previous civilization exists only for a short period of time. They are not much more secure because they are spread in a limited area. And there was no communication between the people living in one area to the people living in another. 

And thus, the rich stores that today we are having at the grocer’s(बनिया)shop were also not present in the previous civilization. 


5. When we go for shopping, how do we know that the world is becoming a single place?

जब हम खरीदारी करने जाते हैं, तो हम कैसे जानते हैं कि दुनिया एक स्थान बन रही है?

Ans:- When we go shopping, the things in a grocer’s shop, are from the ends of the earth. They come out of strange(विचित्र) countries and over far off seas. There are oranges from Brazil, dates from Africa, rice from India, tea from China, and sugar from Demerara. 

The fact that these things come to us from all over the world means that for the first time the world is becoming a single place.


6. Are all things shared out equally in our world?

क्या हमारी दुनिया में सभी चीजें समान रूप से साझा की जाती हैं?

Ans:- No, all things are not shared out equally in the world. In democratic countries, men are equal before the law but the sharing-out of money which means the sharing-out of food, clothes, houses, and books is still very unfair. While some people live in luxury, many have not even had enough to eat, drink, and wear. Even in the finest of the world’s cities thousands of people live in dreadful(भयानक) surroundings. 

There are many families of five or six persons who live in a single room. In this room they sleep, dress, wash and eat their meals. In the same room, they are born, and in this same room, they die. Because they are too poor to afford another room. 
Hence, there is no proper sharing-out of things in the world.


7. What is the greatest danger from political divisions?

राजनीतिक विभाजन से सबसे बड़ा खतरा क्या है?

Ans:- The greatest danger from political division is a war if the political divisions are for the fact of war. Twice already in the author’s lifetime, from 1914 to 1918 and again from 1939 to 1945, almost the whole of the world has been turned by war. 

Moreover, in the conditions of the present day, any war that starts anywhere is more and more likely to spread everywhere. Hence, war is the greatest danger from political divisions. 


8. What is our chief hope for preventing war?

युद्ध को रोकने के लिए हमारी मुख्य आशा क्या है?

Ans:- Wars and battles are caused by our political divisions and war. They bring to us a lot of misery(दुर्दशा)and suffering(कष्ट). If mutual friendship among different countries and communities is fostered(प्रोत्सहित) and harmony(मैत्री) established, war and battles can be prevented. 

So, for a peaceful environment between the countries, we should set up some sort of government for the whole world. Hence in this way, we can prevent war. 


9. Are machines always easy to control?

क्या मशीनों को नियंत्रित करना हमेशा आसान होता है?

Ans:- Not really, machines are not always easy to control. It is true that machines help in minimizing the effort(प्रयत्न)and maximizing the outputs. But nowadays we are really dependent on machines. And they are operated under the surveillance(निगरानी)of the experts. 

On the one hand, the machines are easy to control, while on the other hand, a little ignorance or lack of proper care of the machines may lead to vast destruction. 


10. How should a man spend his time and energy? [2020]

मनुष्य को अपना समय और ऊर्जा कैसे व्यतीत करनी चाहिए? 

Ans:- Man should spend his time and energy on making and liking more beautiful things. He should find out more and more about the universe. He should evolve measures to remove the cause of quarrels(झगड़े) between nations and discover how to prevent poverty. 

Then our civilization will undoubtedly be the greatest and the most lasting that there has ever been.
Again, अगर आप Question-Answers part को समझना चाहतें हैं, तो नीचे दिए गए विडियो को जरुर देखें |


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