12 Best Features of Python Programming Language | SparkEasy

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Features of Python Programming Language


1. Highly Extensible

This means that the capabilities of Python can be increased by increasing its library. If we create and add a lot of code to it, then the capability of the Python language can be increased. This thing was not in the ABC language.


2. Simple and Straight Forward Syntax

At the core of the Python language is the philosophy that the code should be very straightforward and simple to understand. There should be only one better way to do something, not multiple options. With this thought in mind, the Python language was created.


3. Multi paradigm Programming Language

In Python, you can also do structured programming, you can also do object-oriented programming, and you can use many programming paradigms.


4. Emphasis on code readability

The writing style of Python is so good that the reader quickly understands it. Whether you want to write the code systematically or not is upon you.

Because we often write code in a hurry, we do not think about organizing too much code. So our code looks quite messy. While writing, you were in a hurry, but later, you found it difficult to understand your code.

So these problems can happen in other programming languages, but in Python, there are strict rules: if you want to write code, you have to write by this rule. What happens with this, the code is clear to see, and you can easily understand.


5. Dynamic Typing

If you create a variable in C language, declare it before and tell what type this variable is and what kind of value it can store. e.g. int x ;

You don’t need to make any declaration in Python in advance. You can assign the value directly. e.g. x = 5

When you are writing x = 5, at the same time, it will be decided dynamically, i.e., at runtime, what its type is.

C, C++, and Java are statically typed programming languages in which it is decided at compile time what the type of an expression will be.


6. Automatic memory management

In C and C++, you had to manage the memory, especially when you used to create a variable dynamically.

Like in C language, with the help of the malloc() function, we can create any variable dynamically.

We are also responsible for releasing the memory of the variable we create dynamically in C and C++. If we do not get it done, then there are problems like memory leaks.

Automatic memory management means you don’t have to worry about this inside Python. You will not have to release the memory of the variables that are dynamically created, and Python will release its own memory when it finds it suitable.


 Also Read: Top 4 reason Why Should You Learn Python and History of Python


7. Dynamic Binding

When we call a function, the binding of which function will run is done at runtime. But in C and C++, it also happens at compile time and runtime. But in Python, this only happens at runtime. This is called Dynamic binding.


8. Precise Coding

Price coding is one of the features of Python where if you are doing any work in C, C++, and java in ten lines here, you will do it in two or three lines. This is the advantage of coding in Python.


9. For time-critical operations, Python can use modules written in C Language

You know that most things in Python are decided at runtime.

A program made in Python will run slightly slower than a program made in C. Because in Python, many decisions are made at runtime. There is dynamic typing here, dynamic binding, and automatic memory management. So the execution time takes more here.

If the program made in C language runs fast. And suppose you are doing a project in Python in which time is very important. Any particular activity has to be such in that project in which time is very important and should be fast.

So what can you do? You can create that particular module in C language and use it in Python.


10. Indentation base block of code

Like in C, we don’t use curly braces {} to create blocks in Python.

Here in Python, indentation is the way to make a block. It may have less or more indentation.


11. Large library

There is a lot of pre-built code in Python. That’s why we get an extensive library in it.

So when you think of building a project, you don’t need to code from scratch. A lot of work has already been done, and you can use it. With this, your projects get ready with less effort.


12. Platform Independent

Python programs are platform-independent because they can be run on various platforms/Operating systems using an interpreter explicitly built for that platform.



| Amazing Facts About Python


TIOBE is a website that indexes the popularity of programming languages. So at the moment, the most popular programming language of the month in the world is Python programming language.

The highest rise in rating was in 2007, 2010, 2018, and 2020.

It reduces app development time by 1/6.

Large organizations that use Python are: – Google, Netflix, Dropbox, YouTube, Instagram, CERN, Microsoft, NASA, Amazon, Facebook, Mozilla, etc.


| Where can Python be used?


  • Developing websites
  • Task automation
  • Data analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Internet of Things
  • Desktop applications
  • Mobile applications
  • Client-side AJAX-based applications



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